Retiring doctor
Editor: Thank you and congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Damian Marsden!
You kindly answered our school’s hopeful letter imploring you to consider serving our community more than 30 years ago. You have generously, wisely, and tirelessly cared for Healdsburg’s children ever since. We are forever grateful. You will be missed.
Deborah Miller,
Healdsburg Community
Nursery School
Bring my gnome back
Editor: Whoever took my gnome from my back stairs would you please return it as it is one of the only things my mother left me. It means a great deal to me. I could get another one but it wouldn’t be the same. Please return it, no questions asked. It’s a gnome with a little bucket and whisteled when you walked in front of it. It had been glued. Please return it.
Maryann Matelli

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