Fear and misinformation
Editor: Winston Churchill once said, “A fanatic won’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
An apt quote when the anti fluoridation group returns to town to spread fear and misinformation. Their fears are based on emotion and are unwarranted, according to credible health professionals.
Rather than accepting defeat two years ago, these meddlesome folks are back looking for an angle to resurrect their unproven theories regarding fluoridation.
Additionally, I question a self diagnosis of fluoride-induced osteoporosis. To the best of my knowledge, women of a certain age are at risk of osteoporosis due to the fact their bones become more brittle and subject to breakage.
I suggest those who are concerned about fluoridation have a discussion with their health care professional, or essentially any dentist in good standing within their profession.
John Angius
Consider the animals
Editor: This letter is on behalf of the wild animals that call Healdsburg their home:
We the raccoons, possums, squirrels and birds ask you to please take the extra precautions needed when throwing out your daily trash.
Always remember to crush the open ends of any type of can, so we do not get our little heads caught when looking for food. Also, use scissors to cut the plastic rings that once held soda cans, so we do not get our tiny paws and necks trapped in them.
Lastly, we beg you to dispose of any toxins or unused medications in a safe and regulated manner, so we are not able to ingest them and become sick. We love sharing this planet with you and hope you do your best to keep it litter free and safe for us.”
Chuck Doire,
on behalf of your animal friends
How to find out about Rotary
Editor: Due to an error in proofreading on our part, the Rotary Club’s website address was wrong in the half-page thank you ad in last week’s Tribune. The last line should have said that if you are interested in Rotary, visit our website at www.HealdsburgRotary.org. We are sorry for any inconvenience our error might have caused folks trying to use the wrong address.
Al Loebel
Rotary Club of Healdsburg

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