Lovely green lady
After reading so many negative thoughts about the Green Lady statue I want to say this. I think she’s Lovely. She always brightens my day when I drive past her and see her smiling face and folded arms gazing outwards.  I don’t see anything Ugly in her at all and I’m happy the artist has graced us with such a pure positive Happy statue. SHE’S different, so what? How can so many people be intolerant of something different, yet positive looking and to tell the truth it’s NOT All that different from other nude statues from well-known artists except this one is green and large and the artist isn’t someone truly known yet. By The Way the statue does have a name “The Listener” and she was created by M.C. Carolyn and I like her.
Dominick J. Di Noto, Cloverdale
My long time medical assistant, Kathie Lamoureaux, whom I first worked with in 1973 when I moved to Healdsburg, was one of those who was let go by the hospital a few weeks ago.  She had planned to work a few more years to pay off the mortgage on her house, but suddenly was without work.
So I contacted some of the patients whom she served so well for forty years and asked them if they would help pay off her loan.  Everyone, I repeat, everyone said yes, often remarking how wonderful Kathie had been to them, so caring and nice and always kind. They all sent me checks, some small, some large; but every one I asked sent me a check. So on December 17, I took the numerous checks to the bank and payed off her mortgage for her.  The staff at the Bank of America also seemed to catch the Christmas Spirit as well, and were very helpful.
She had no idea anyone was doing this. So on December 18, at a restaurant in her hometown of Cloverdale, she learned of the generosity and love of the patients she had helped so much over the years.
Dave Anderson, Cloverdale

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