Pay attention to what we wish for
Recent developments within the Reveille are pretty exciting. With the new publisher acquiring the Reveille, we have been able to keep our “hometown feel” and the local staff of many years is busy as usual keeping us up to date on what is happening in town.
As a Cloverdale resident for over 27 years and local business owner of two businesses I have heard for years the requests for us to advertise our activities, events and businesses outside of Cloverdale. The mantra of many public and backroom meetings as well as bar talk in our local watering holes has been to “bring people up the 101 to Cloverdale.”
Upon a careful review of the NEW and IMPROVED Reveille, the Discoveries insert is delivers the goods. If we take the time to read this wonderful insert, you will notice events and businesses advertising from Sebastopol to Cloverdale. That is exciting as the reach of this insert has quadrupled the amount of potential eyeballs viewing our events, happenings and local merchants sales and promotions amongst four-plus local communities.
I would like to thank the Reveille and the ownership for providing us this wonderful vehicle to reach outside of Cloverdale. I can say that we are advertising one of our businesses in this new section and are utilizing its reach for PR from ALL of the non-profit boards that I sit on here in town. THANK YOU!
Ron Pavelka, Cloverdale
Fair Trade sale
We are so fortunate to live in beautiful northern Sonoma County. And now, during this month of Thanksgiving, we can share some of our fortune with others. Yes, it is Fair Trade Sale time. Once again, we are working with One World Fair Trade in Healdsburg to bring handcrafted, fairly traded products for you to purchase. There are many beautiful and distinctive items: home décor, clothing, accessories, jewelry, musical instruments, Christmas decorations, toys, books, games and much, much more.
Fair Trade supports workers, local communities, and the environment. The goal of the Fair Trade movement is to craft better trade deals that will protect and respect people’s livelihoods, health and communities instead of simply promoting corporate profits. Every time you purchase a fair trade item you support a system that helps Third World artisans earn an honest living. Your purchase helps to support a sustainable global economic system. Each purchase is a step towards eradicating global poverty.
So come to United Church Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Nov. 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Purchase something unique for yourself or for someone else. And here’s the part UCC is really excited about. UCC will receive 15 percent of the sales, and will be putting that money back into our local community through Wallace House (offering support to those who can use some extra help) and Food for Thought (helping meet the nutritional needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS in northern Sonoma County).
Ray Ballestero, President of One World Fair Trade has this to say. “There is a quote that inspires us, ‘be the change we want to see in the world’. UCC’s outreach to those in need in their own community is “the change” and we look forward to partnering once again with such a wonderful group of people with really big hearts.”
Lavonne Blucher-Nameny, Cloverdale
Quick response
We would like to thank the Cloverdale Fire Department for the recent rescue of our property on Pine Mountain. Without their quick action and that of our treasured neighbors, we could have had a true disaster on our hands. Our garage burned to the ground but the fire stopped there. Thanks to everyone for being on the alert and to a CalFire employee who was driving south on Hwy. 101 and called it in.
CalFire tankers were overhead making sure the fire did not spread. Mother Nature helped also because on Oct. 16 there was not a breath of air on the mountain, which is a rarity. Our biggest fears living on Pine Mountain are 1) fire and 2) a vehicle accident on our now heavily travelled Pine Mountain country road.
Now that we have had both, I hope our luck holds out for the duration of our time up here. It’s a lovely place to live. Again, a huge “thank you” and blessings to all involved. We certainly are humbled by this entire experience.
Ruthie and Tom Kurpinsky, Cloverdale

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