New street light
Editor: I would like the Town of Windsor to look into the possibility of installing street lights along Shiloh Road beginning with the intersection of Shiloh and Windsor Road extending the length of Shiloh beyond the golf course. For years I have recognized this as a very dangerous area at night when visibility is almost nil. I have personally witnessed many ‘close calls’ at the corner of Shiloh and Windsor Road when drivers are turning left off of Windsor Road on to Shiloh. It is almost impossible to see where you are turning if there is a vehicle approaching from the Shiloh direction on to Windsor Road Headlights blind the driver because of the angles of the road and it is a very hazardous situation when drivers must literally turn ‘blind’ on to Shiloh Road. Not to mention the fact that if you had to make an emergency stop on Shiloh after dark, there are absolutely no street lights at all to limit safety concerns. This is a heavily traveled area and I am hoping that attention be given to this area and that street lights be installed. It has been ignored for too long and with the area now being heavily developed with home subdivisions in recent years, it makes the need even more important.
Nancy Tang

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