No on Measure O
I agree with several recent letters to the editor. Each is to the point and has hi-lighted what the current city council has or has not done. One letter suggests that it is time to change the face of the city council; another illustrates why this needs to happen. The current council talks about how they are pro-growth and how our city has grown. The population may have increased but the infrastructure has not improved. Businesses have closed, some have moved to another city. One council member wanted to move her very successful business a block away. The cost to do so was huge for a small business owner, an established business owner at that!
I have received many fliers expounding the successes of various council members’ endeavors. Even though I appreciate their time, efforts and enthusiasm, I feel they cannot or will not see what is happening within our little city. A perfect example is the cost of paying an outside entity to supply “Genuinely Cloverdale” as our city slogan. Who approved that huge expense! A contest involving the students of Cloverdale High School could have provided a much needed scholarship for one of our students and a wonderful source of community pride for our city.
Regarding Measure O, as an example, we are told that our safety is at stake. Read the police log in the Cloverdale Reveille.
I have contacted our city manager, Paul Cayler, regarding some of my concerns. He has been prompt and responsive to my questions and I appreciate that. He did point out that the city employees have not had a raise in six years. I am sorry for that, but our country is just beginning to come out of a recession and our city employees are not alone. I would suggest that we very carefully study the records of our state and national candidates.
Again I want to thank all who run for office in city government and all who are in city employ. It is not an easy task. I know each of you intends to contribute to the betterment of our city. However I feel that new council members can add a fresh perspective with new ideas.
I encourage all to vote no on Measure O.
Rod Persons,
Vote for Deb Fudge
It seems that both 4th District candidates for County Supervisor meet minimum qualifications for the position. Now consider this: only Deb Fudge has a continuous 18 year record of local public service. And ponder this: there has never been a female 4th County Supervisor in the entire history of the District, and women make up 51% of the population. A Penn Medicine study showed women have superior social cognition skills, making them better at collaboration in group problem solving. They spend more effort crafting policy than seeking power in the political process. Women legislators achieve 9 percent more federal dollars sent to districts than men. And women are merely less than 30 percent of California’s elected officials.
With one vote for Deb Fudge you can both support the best qualified candidate and right a historical inequality all in one box.
Really think about it.
Jo Gustely,
 Craft show Nov. 1
This Saturday, Nov. 1, the annual holidays craft show will be held at a new location. This years event, sponsored by the Theta Zeta Sorority will be held at the Veterans Bldg., 205 W. 1st Street from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Handmade crafts and gift basket raffles  will be available and new this year will be a 50-50 raffle. A light lunch, snacks, and desserts will also be offered.
Come and enjoy our kick off to the holidays.
Carolyn Ramos
and The Craft Show Committee
Chamber supports Measure O
The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has voted to support Measure O. The reasons for supporting the measure include the fact that our City needs additional revenue to maintain and improve services after many years of cuts and importantly, the measure includes the correct component that ends the tax after 8 years. Having the tax end in eight years mandates that the community continue to search for and find other ways to support the City services that we need.
The City has made deep budget cuts and is facing more cuts due to limited reserves. Our City should be supported when they have reduced spending and reformed pension costs. Cloverdale has done both, and the Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce recommends a yes vote on Measure O. Thank you.
The Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Wallace House thanks Soil King
Wallace House wishes to take this opportunity to publicly thank Patrick King and Soil King for their generous donation of the 40 bags of really expensive soil for our community garden at Cherry Creek Village. This donation was particularly important to our disabled Veteran who is fighting cancer and using the garden as a healthy distraction from his emotional pain and struggles. And the vegetables he will grow with this soil, provide important fresh wholesome nutritional benefit to our clients in our Supportive Housing program.  
Thank goodness for our business owners, community leaders and everyday citizens for their continued commitment to helping families and disabled people in our community.  
The support we receive is so greatly appreciated; not just by Wallace House staff and our Board of Directors, but most importantly, by those who benefit from our services.
Our success in helping the homeless, disabled and working poor, is due to the help and the generosity of spirit expressed by these types of donations.  We could not possibly provide these vitally important services to the voiceless population of northern Sonoma County without this support.
Please make your tax-deductible gift to Wallace House today. Your heartfelt contribution will help us carry out our mission to provide hope, healing, and housing for those who so desperately need it in our community.For your convenience, donations can also be made online at
Colleen Halbohm
Executive Director
CCOC/Wallace House
Waste of money
Thanks to Mike Maacks for the informative letter to the editor in the October 23 Reveille. Cloverdale has a history of wasting money. The $40,000 for the tax survey and the $60,000 to find out we are genuine are two examples. If voters approve Measure O, they allow the city to decide where that money goes, and based on its past  history,  I’m not sure I trust the city to make the right choices. We would be giving them free rein with that tax money. I am voting no on Measure O. Voters, please consider carefully all the measures and bonds on the ballot. Most importantly, VOTE on November 4.
Linda Elliott,
Helping one helps us all
The Cloverdale Food Pantry would like to thank the anonymous donor and the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center for considering us for your generous donation to the non profits of Cloverdale. The shared gift of $50 for the sale of each season ticket is such a bountiful offer and is so appreciated. This is such a win-win proposition for the non profits and the season ticket holders. We each benefit. Much needed resources for our non profits as well as fabulous entertainment for our citizens who participate.  Just think Cloverdalians you are giving and getting through this deal.  So attend the Big Reveal on Nov. 13 at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center between 5:30-7:30 p.m. and buy your season tickets. It helps us all!
MJ Dellaquila
Chair of the Cloverdale Food Pantry Board of Directors

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