For Fudge
Editor: With Sonoma County facing a multitude of issues ranging from water, roads and growth, to balance sheets, public safety and affordable housing, the upcoming elections are very important.
Most local Town Councils and administrators also confront similar issues each year. Their knowledge and experience play a huge role in finding the necessary balance to maintain economic vitality, public safety and a healthy balance sheet. Their leadership preserves the quality of life that we all cherish. Interestingly, in Sonoma County, Windsor has become a leader in those three categories.
 Both candidates running for 4th District Supervisor have touted their job qualifications as reason for getting your vote. James Gore’s political/work experience in Washington D.C. was focused on international trade and natural resource conservation. Important issues but narrowly focused. Sonoma County issues are far more diverse. On the other hand, Deb Fudge has 18 years of public service experience as a Windsor Town Council member and was elected Mayor five times. She also served on/worked with several regional boards and commissions in that same period. Deb Fudge has the necessary leadership experience and qualifications to do the job as well as a proven track record. Please join me in voting for Deb Fudge for 4th District Supervisor.
Don Albini
Windsor Planning Commissioner
For Gore
Editor: I support James Gore for County Supervisor because he has the same energy, knowledge , temperament and positive attitude as has been shown by Mike McGuire. He to will listen and be a fair broker when divergent views exist. I cannot say that for Ms Fudge who is no friend of Healdsburg and doesn’t enjoy the support of most past or present City Council members from the Cities within the supervisorial district.
Kurt Hahn