Time for change
This November, Windsor has two open seats for Town Council. It is time for change. Windsor is the only town in Sonoma County that is not holding a public forum for all candidates. Why is that? The town has previously supported a forum, but not this election. Why don’t they want the public to be advised and educated? The two incumbents form the current Windsor Lytton sub-committee and they have not been representing me, or the hundreds of citizens who came to the Furth Center last August to oppose a federal trust land, next to Windsor. (Yes, a mega tax-free development with “no” casino, for the group that already owns the casino in the East Bay). Two previous town councils went on the record as being opposed to this, why did the current council change their mind to stay silent?
Windsor’s SMART train representative (an incumbent and current candidate) has promised Windsor a train, and so far, all we have gotten is the promise of large apartment complexes right in town. So, no new transportation, just more traffic. Now is the time to make a change to the Windsor Town Council and I am voting for Rosa Reynoza and Mike Wall. I like what Mike and Rosa stand for: controlled, sustainable growth, strong local businesses, with community engagement and transparency. They are both parents raising kids in Windsor, and are looking out for local interests. They are not beholden to developers, builders and outside interests.
Your vote counts, so please consider all the options and join me in putting fresh representation on the Windsor Town Council. Vote for Mike Wall and Rosa Reynoza.
Betsy Mallace
Embrace change
I have been a resident of Windsor for almost 30 years. It’s time to embrace change. This year I am excited to vote for new members to our Windsor Town Council: Mike Wall and Rosa Reynoza. Mike has an extensive background in sustainability and safety in the healthcare industry and would bring this healthy focus to our town. He is also a family man and there is currently no member on our Council who is raising children.
Rosa, a 35-year resident of Windsor, also a parent of school-age children, has strong financial skills as a business manager in the wine industry, which she would bring to the council. She would also have the distinction of being the first Latina on the Town Council; Windsor is about 30 percent Latino.
Mike and Rosa have no ties to the political establishment, or to developers, and would both bring a fresh perspective and greater diversity to our Town Council.
They are residents who are running because they care about Windsor and want to ensure that public input is valued and used in all actions of our local government. Please consider Mike Wall and Rosa Reynoza when you go to the polls.

Patricia S. Aldrich

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