Adult perspective
Editor: Note the time, mark the log; finally there is an adult in the room. Thank you Mr. Reuser for stepping in and offering some common sense perspective.
The Reveille front page article “Reuser to dispute rezoning request” and Mr. Reuser’s letter to the editor in the same edition should finally serve to show folks the difference between bringing real jobs to Cloverdale and the mass production of sailboat fuel.
The industrial park brings real jobs, as Mr. Reuser clearly points out in the article and letter. The Tyris and Laulima folks have so far brought nothing but community unrest. The industrial park has real jobs, employing real people, who spend real dollars. The resort – close your eyes what do you see?
Leonard Von Hoogenstyn
Coats for kids
Editor: It was my rare privilege to be able to attend a recent Kiwanis Division Council Meeting. While there, I heard a Kiwanis member talk about a project called “Coats for Kids.” Basically, it turns out that there are a lot of homeless school-age children, and I had no idea of this. He said that the Kiwanis club gets figures from the schools by asking for the numbers of students who don’t list an address on their school records.
I was so moved by what he said that I immediately went to talk to him, after the meeting. I have since convinced my Key Club to work on this cause. The project purpose is to collect any size or style of jacket, coat, sweater, hoodie, etc., that is clean with a functioning zipper (if it has one). The plan is to give them to the homeless students, by using the school system. The students range from 4 to 18 years old. No used-looking clothing or shoes can be donated.
Donated underwear, socks, and shoes need to be new. The idea is to collect donations at this time of year, so that items can be shared with the children during the super cold and rainy season. I can’t help but think that this is a project that is desperately important. I am so grateful to have gone to that Kiwanis DCM and learned about this need.
I am asking the citizens of Cloverdale for your support on this project. Please donate what you can spare. You would be helping children in need and making a difference in this world. There is a plastic collection bin at the Mail Center, Etc. store, 207 N. Cloverdale Blvd. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at: zi******@gm***.com
Atziry Rodriguez
Cloverdale High School Key Club
Airport contributes
Editor: We have lived on the hills overlooking the airport for 20-plus years. The airport was there when we came to Cloverdale and we have always enjoyed its activity. The noise has never been a great bother, as we could have chosen to live elsewhere if it did.
My great sadness is seeing money trying to change the life of our community. Our great country is being damaged by money in politics, from local to national elections. Now, it seems, money might have its way in damaging our world here in Cloverdale. Please help stop that from happening. The airport contributes to making Cloverdale a bit more likely to grow than we would be otherwise.
Jerry and Nora Webster
Cioppino feed deadline
Editor: Don’t miss out on the Knights of Columbus annual Crab Cioppino Feed. For over 60 years the Cloverdale Knights of Columbus has delighted thousands of attendees at our annual Crab Cioppino Feed. Unfortunately this year’s ticket sales are frightful.
The final order for crab will be placed on Monday, Jan. 11 and tickets may not be available after that date. There has been some concern about the crab being toxic from the local markets. Please rest assured that our crab will come from either Alaska or Washington and will be perfectly safe.
The event will be held at the Cloverdale Citrus Fairgrounds on Saturday, Jan. 16 beginning at 5 p.m. The price of a ticket is $55 and includes all you can eat crab cioppino, pasta, salad, hors d’oeuvres, bread, limited wine and ice cream.
Due to declining membership of our organization and the average age on the rise we could be looking at the end of this amazing social gathering. Please join us to keep that from happening. Tickets are available at Cloverdale Auto Parts.
Paul Giovannetti, Grand Knight of the Cloverdale Knights of Columbus Council 4082, recently met with Carla DeMartini, Cloverdale Boys & Girls Clubhouse Director. The Knights of Columbus donated supplies of paper, pens, pencils and more recently to the club. This is one of the many ways they give back to the community from the proceeds of the annual Crab Cioppino Feed.
Knights of Columbus