Sebastopol Walks success
Editor: The 2013 Sebastopol Walks Committee finished a sixth season with its traditional activity — a combo walk/bus ride. The volunteer committee thanks Bryan Albee of Sonoma County Transit for sending an extra Sebastopol Shuttle bus to accommodate the group. Twenty-three first-time riders enjoyed a free tour of town narrated by local driver, Anthony Lapinski.
Many thanks to the Sebastopol Walks Committee who planned the 2013 events. They included Teresa Ramondo, Virginia Porter, Nick Kishmirian, Geoffrey Skinner, Joan Schwann, Marsha Sue Lustig and Richard Nichols, with special recognition to Kathy Oetinger for her graphic design work.
The Walks Committee has put together a seventh season. Look for the 2014 calendar of walks, coming out soon. We aim to enrich our community by walking in Sebastopol.
Sarah Gurney
Sebastopol City Councilmember and Walks Volunteer
What did they expect?
Editor: Of course CVS is suing the city. The City Council created this problem knowing CVS is a big company with big pockets. The Council thinks this lawsuit will be wrapped up this year? What are they smoking?
What did they think would happen? That’s the problem. They didn’t think, that was not on their personal agenda.
(Mayor Robert) Jacob says this is a frivolous lawsuit, so $300,000 a year is frivilous according to his standards.
(Councilmember Sarah) Gurney is all about flexing her small-town muscles to keep this going at all costs, not thinking what is good for the city’s budget or the taxpayers.
Jacob says he wants to maintain the environment and quality of life. What about the Barlow? Too many cars and no parking, and it has taken business away from Main Street. Plus, the City Council has approved a hotel to be built in the Barlow.
Linda Rouse
Downer Memorial
Editor: Join us at Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastopol, on Saturday, Jan. 4, for the 5th Annual Johnny Downer Memorial Celebration. This event was created to honor Johnny and to raise money for music programs in Sebastopol Schools. The Johnny Downer Music Memorial Fund was set up by his mother, Carol Esonis, and has raised more than $16,000 over the past four years, for sheet music, instruments and teachers.
Downer passed away unexpectedly at the age of 37, in December 2009 while vacationing in Mexico. He was a wonderful friend and an influential musician known for his exceptional guitar playing. Still, after four years he is dearly missed and appreciated as one of the most gifted players to have lived in the area.
Nearly all of the over 40 musicians playing the benefit are Johnny’s friends. The event starts at 1:30 p.m. and features 20-plus musician friends playing on the Johnny Downer Stage, hosted by Uncle Bill, in the beer garden until 8 p.m. The event will then move into the Abbey, with more of Johnny’s friends, Free Peoples, Jug Dealers, Radio Active, Gabe from Djiin, The THUGZ, Jon Gonzales String Band and Ali Weiss and Warren Mann.
One hundred percent of the funds raised at the door go to the foundation as well as 100 percent of the proceeds from the sales of select beer donated by Hopmonk Tavern. The cost for the event is a suggested donation of $10, but no one will be turned away.
If you are unable to attend, but would still like to make a donation, please send a check payable to: The Sebastopol Educational Foundation, P.O. Box 1255, Sebastopol, CA 95473. Please note on check to allocate funds to the Johnny Downer Memorial Music Fund.
All ages are welcome from 1 to 8 p.m., after 8 p.m., the event is 21 and over.
Bill DeCarli
General Manager, Hopmonk Tavern

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