Change not always good
EDITOR: I don’t consider myself a Luddite. I own all the usual electronic devices and I even own an online business. But that’s sort of the issue. Many of us spend every day, all day, working in front of a computer and we’d rather not have to also read the paper online.
When the Tribune arrives, I love to have a cup of tea, sit in a comfortable chair and read the paper. I am a strong advocate for our local paper and I actually feel that it’s a civic duty to support it by subscribing. However, the “new” Tribune doesn’t work for me, nor for others I’ve spoken to (many of them decades younger than I am).
If the Tribune is going to publish a paper in print at all, please publish a paper that’s more news, not mainly advertising, obituaries, and legal notices – please publish the “old” Tribune.
Jane St. Claire
Worthy accomplishment
EDITOR: Kudos to City Manager David Mickaelian for acting quickly to secure the units at 721-723 Center Street and to Eric Drew for approaching the city about the opportunity. Maintaining our current affordable housing stock and sparing eight families from displacement are worthy accomplishments. I’m pleased to see that the city is pursuing a variety of methods in grappling with the affordable housing challenge that faces our community.
Leah Gold
RIP Trib
EDITOR: I agree with Carin Case and Renae Perry: the Healdsburg Tribune is better in hand. I have been a subscriber since 1982 when I moved to Healdsburg. I look forward to getting the paper every week. I see the changes being made to all print outlets and appreciate the realities that drive those changes from truly to virtually.
I have made the switch in daily news to online. But the Healdsburg Tribune is certainly not just news; it is the face of our community. Not being able to hold it anymore is a loss; it has an online presence, but the presence that counted for me, was black and white and read all over. I am sure that the editors and managers of the Trib have made some hard decisions and it most likely will not matter what the subscribers will miss. Economic realities have most likely killed another charming, old-fashioned, literary, delightful anomaly. RIP Trib.
Tracy Logan
PSST salutes first graduating class
EDITOR: Public School Success Team, Inc. was established in 2009 to provide tutoring in Healdsburg public schools. Today, 30 of us meet weekly to tutor or coach almost 100 students in the junior high and high school. This year some of our  first graduates have applied to the UC system; others plan to attend California State Universities; others will be going on to the JC, vocational schools and apprenticeship programs; all will be supported by a PSST grant. But we have more students who need our help.
To ensure this kind of success for future students, we need more volunteers. In only one hour per week, you can make an important contribution to the future of a Healdsburg student. If you can consider giving your time or know someone who might, please let us know.  For more information, please go to or call us at 494-4968. We would love the chance to talk with you about our students and our work.
Wayne Novach, PSST Chair
Mindful use appreciated
EDITOR: In May 2016, the state updated its emergency water conservation regulation, changing the way water conservation targets were calculated. Because of these changes, the City of Healdsburg no longer had a mandatory water conservation target. Despite that, city water customers continued to use water wisely and efficiently; maintaining the 24 percent water use reduction achieved in 2015, as compared to 2013, through 2016.
In addition to taking care to actively use less water, customers continued to participate in our water efficiency rebate programs. In 2016, rebate program participation provided an annual water savings of 2.5 million gallons. These savings were achieved through: replacement of 66,000 square feet of grass with low- and no-water using landscapes; replacement of more than 100 toilets with high efficiency models; replacement of dishwashers and clothes washers with high efficiency models; indoor and outdoor water audits; and irrigation system upgrades. Customers will continue to receive these water savings for as long as the landscapes, fixtures, appliances, and systems are installed.
We sincerely thank all residents and businesses for your mindful use of this precious resource. Water is a limited resource with demands from humans, animals, vegetation, bodies of water, and others. It is a critical part of our local and global ecosystems, and is imperative that we preserve its long-term viability.
We would also like to thank the Healdsburg Tribune for its commitment to helping the City of Healdsburg achieve and maintain our water use target and featuring our water conservation updates weekly. Future water use updates will be published on our website monthly. Please visit for information about water use, conservation, rebates, and much more.
City of Healdsburg utility staff

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