Vital part of community
Editor: The three people who provided Healdsburg with the Wild Sage Deli are a treasure. You have published two other letters speaking of their value to the regular folks of our town. There are many of us who feel a personal loss. Healdsburg and its people need folks and businesses like these. They made us all feel like family. They need to remain the vital part of our community!
Mike Fairchild
Fry who like bacon?
Editor: The news video of the Philadelphia police officer being shot at point blank range was chilling. And seeing him exit his patrol car in pursuit of his assailant brought me to tears. I’ve spent my medical career trying to put people back together, so it is deeply upsetting to see such a graphic act of violence against an officer. I had the privilege of taking the Citizens’ Academy Class a couple decades ago. It was a mini police academy course where we were taught how to make traffic stops, search buildings, observe details, and most importantly, get home alive after work. It gave me a lasting appreciation for the people and canines who risk their lives for us every day so we can go to work, school, coffee shops, restaurants, wine tasting rooms, movie theaters and all the great places we enjoy without giving a thought to making it home safely. Thank you to all the fine folks who protect and serve.
Dan Rose
Kiwanis thanks
Editor: The Healdsburg Kiwanis Club would like to thank the local Healdsburg community and our Kiwanis sponsors for their continued support of the annual 2015 Christmas Tree Lot at City Hall. Our Kiwanis Club members donated many days and nights to work in the tree lot and often in the pouring rain. Helping to staff the lot were representatives of the Lytton Salvation Army, the HHS Key Club, Boy Scout Troop 21 and the Cloverdale Kiwanis Club. Other major donors of time and materials were Redwood Empire Vineyard Management, Bowland Vineyard Management, Vineyard Industry Products and our amazing electrical elves Frank and Carol Teuschler. We’d also like to acknowledge Bessie Martinez of the Ratto Group, Jim-N-I Rentals and Silveira GMC. A very special thanks goes out to our Kiwanian Jim Schmidt who designs and builds all of the beautiful wooden fence ornaments.
With the community electing to purchase their trees from us, they are “paying it forward” as all profits from the tree lot will be used for the children of our community. This year’s sales were the highest ever and will enable Healdsburg Kiwanis to continue their legacy of “changing the world one child and one project at a time”. In 2015, the total donations to child-related needs was over $52,000 and we look forward to doing more in 2016.
Healdsburg Kiwanis is always welcoming new members that have a bit of time to help raise money for the children of our community. If anyone would like more information about the ease of joining, please call our Membership Chair, Loretta Strong, at 473-8033.
Jerry Strong and Rich Thomas, Healdsburg Kiwanis
Creepy crawlers
Editor: 2016 did not start off the way some people visiting family had hoped. In the Chiquita Road/ Hasset Road area of town, “Creepy Crawlers” took several items out of two cars during the night of New Year’s Eve. Both cars were unlocked, which is a lesson to everyone in this rural area of Healdsburg. You have really brazen Creepy Crawlers that will come up long gravel driveways right in front of your house, so always lock your car.
At first the stolen ice chest made some sense, thinking people were out looking for booze to celebrate the New Year’s, then upon further inspection, every compartment had been gone through. A woman’s cuff bracelet with an eagle design, Kindle with orange leather cover, two book bags – one two-tone blue with black handles filled with business paperwork and a white canvas tote with Tiptoe Tapes logo on the front – filled with books, iPod and several other items.
The Creepy Crawlers did leave a Donna Karan Circle Scarf 100 percent cashmere behind scented with perfume, leading us to think this was a feminine Creepy Crawler as they also took a woman’s black vest with a native art pin. Healdsburg police were notified if you happen to find or see any of these items.
Terrie Comstock