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Water Rates and Measure O

Measure O is supported by all five members of our City Council, none of which owes any allegiance to anyone but the voters who elected them. They have listened carefully to the information presented during public hearings and talked to many constituents. There is no bogeyman in the closet, Measure O is a very reasonable fix that will encourage more market rate housing for the Missing Middle. These are people who have been priced out of the Healdsburg housing market.  

It merely exempts multi-family housing from the limitations of the Growth Management Ordinance along parts of Healdsburg Avenue (about 15% of our city). These workers include police, fire, schoolteachers, employees of local small businesses and many others that a city such as Healdsburg should be proud to have living and participating in its local community.

I created the YES on O signs that carry the line “Lower Your Water Bill.” It is more than just water.  City of Healdsburg infrastructure, including water, sewer, parks, roads, fire, police, administration, etc. have fixed or mostly fixed costs. New units not only pay hookup fees which go toward repayment of past infrastructure costs and future anticipated costs, but also pay for the monthly services which in return spreads the fixed costs over a greater number of users. I just made it simple by saying water cost, but it applies to darn near everything provided by government and private business alike.  

Please join me and many others in voting YES on O.

Jim Brush,

Unoccupied Homes

Have you walked around the downtown corridor in the evening? What I have noticed is a plethora of dark, unoccupied homes.

The Yes on Measure O folks believe they can build their way out of our housing problems. I see this not as a housing issue but as an “empty housing” issue. I have spoken with the “Yes” people and suggested that the city needs to limit second-home ownership. They say it cannot be done. I say that they are not being creative.

For example, South Lake Tahoe is proposing a $6,000-per-year tax for vacant homes. Or perhaps instead of raising rates for water and sewer for those of us who live here, the city could have a new rate category for vacant homes that could be 20x that of actual residents. Both of these ideas would make second-home ownership less desirable.

Finally, when Shaun McCaffery stated in his Tribune article that the development would be “mostly apartments” it made my vote a solid “No.” Home ownership is the American Dream. Apartments simply leave the residents of Healdsburg forever vulnerable to wealthy landlords.

Mike Efram,

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  1. Vote NO on Measure O…..
    It really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing…..know the facts….80%+ of the proposed extremely high density housing is at market rate. What does that mean? More unaffordable units marketed to high net worth individuals that will continue to drive the increasing housing costs in Healdsburg. How can we vote yes for a measure that will create increased housing costs?….common sense…..
    Follow the money….this is about large scale developers looking to take advantage of the popularity of Healdsburg with the City licking it’s chops with the coming huge developer fees.
    Many of those that support Measure O are trying to do the “right housing thing”…..but this measure is the opposite of what is really needed…..
    Be smart…..know the facts….Vote NO on Measure O.

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