Not a shoe-in
EDITOR: Frank Robertson’s most recent column sure made my eyes roll He’s judging our 5th district candidates by their shoes? He favors Lynda Hopkins because he likes her plain shoes more than Noreen Evans’ fake leather ones that cost $29? It just doesn’t get any tackier.
It was bad enough to read his criticism of Noreen for going to the funeral of her close friend and long-time local housing advocate David Grabill, instead of to the Guerneville parade, and now this tackiness.
I suggest that Robertson do a comparison of the two candidates’ experience and accomplishments in the real world of politics and our environment, rather than their shoe styles, then he would see how Noreen Evans is clearly far more qualified for the job.
Lois Stopple
Pine Grove lacks prudence
EDITOR: The proposed Pine Grove project is explained in this informative article (July 28, Sonoma West Times & News) but it’s not until the end that practical consideration of cost is mentioned. Increased sales tax revenue is proposed but who is spending that money, we citizens or tourists. Much of current downtown shopping is “discretionary.”
My wife and I purchase a portion of our food in town, but much from Santa Rosa, and durable items frequently from the internet as even Santa Rosa has limited selection.
It seems possible that if enough people boycott CVS that we the citizens might purchase that new building and use it for the Pine Grove ideas. Patience and study seem prudent when funding is based on wishful thinking.
Tony Bryhan

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