Boorish comments
Editor: I have probably commented on hundreds of editorial or commentary in newspapers over my long lifetime. None so boorish as comments by Managing Editor Ray Holley in the Nov. 17 edition. They were so disgusting, childish and asinine that I find it hard to believe they were published, not once, but twice. If Mr. Holley had made those comments about President Obama or any other minority he would be looking for a job (or I hope he would). I truly think that the Cloverdale Reveille has sunk to a new low in print media.
Wayne Diggs
An orange marionette
Editor: Dear Mr. Holley; thanks so much for your precise and eloquent commentary in regard to Donald Trump. While in the supermarket the other day, I noted a “People” magazine cover heralding the ascension of “President Trump.” For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating.
I knew Americans were stupid, but not that so many were stupid. Drumpf (his family name; he assails others for changing theirs) is a liar, fraud, bully, braggart, narcissist, misogynist, racist, sexual predator, demagogue-in-training, solid jerk and lousy businessman, who can secure loans only from Russian and China; hence has more strings attached to him than a marionette. An orange marionette. Don’t take my word for it; watch the videotapes.
It is incredible that so many Americans gulped down that con man’s kool-aid. Freak-show, bottom-of-the-barrel “reality” TV, uber-violent video games, music urging the murder of women and cops, and the human swamp available on the internet, have changed the American character. We’ve been coarsened, calloused and dumbed way down. We’re entertaining ourselves to death. We are sheep who can be sold a wolf.
I was raised to be proud of America. Our country was a beacon in the world. Never perfect, but always striving, America offered hope, and an example, not only to its people, but to those around the globe.
I’m ashamed of, and embarrassed for, our country now. Remember: Drumpf lost the popular vote. Millions who voted against him loathe him and everything he represents. We will continue to oppose his policies and goals. He’s been given the rope, and will hang himself. Democracy, and we, are here to stay.
CD Grant
Only in Cloverdale
Editor: On the day before Thanksgiving, I had an “Only in Cloverdale” moment. Just after 3, I went to Bolt Fabric+Home. On the door was a sign stating that they closed at 2. Grumbling to myself that I should have come earlier, I returned to my car. As I was waiting to pull out, there was a knock on my passenger window. It was Kate, inviting me to come in. She had been closed for an hour but it was fine for me to come in. While I was there, she waved a couple to come in. Only in Cloverdale. Aren’t we lucky to live in this wonderful community, surrounded by the gorgeous hills, with wonderful people like Kate and so many others? I wish one and all a very merry and/or happy whichever holiday you choose to celebrate.
Neva Goodman
Garden rescue needed
Editor: The Cloverdale Community Garden Oasis is looking for a new sponsor, which simply means taking on the liability insurance. The Trading Post has been taking that on for the last two years but now is withdrawing. The insurance that Matt, at the Trading Post, has is $100 a month. The garden itself can pay $25 a month and another business has offered to also pay $25 a month, so perhaps another business could come up with the other $50. My understanding is that the last payment from the Trading Post will be for December so there is not a lot of time. If we don’t have a sponsor, we will have to abandon the whole garden. Please come to the rescue. Contact Mardi at 894-2736.
Mardi Grainger

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