EDITOR: I read with interest the article by the police officer,
about the Friday demonstrations at the corner of Main and Bodega
Highway in Sebastopol. Strange, isn’t it, how two people can
witness the same event and have very different reactions?
Every Friday as I stand on that corner, I rejoice that there are
places in this country where democracy still works ‹ places where
we can express our views about subjects as momentous as war,
occupation, torture, or impeachment of a lying administration,
while next to us or directly across the street, another person can
express opposing views! Passersby can see the signs we carry and do
some thinking on their own.
Of course, occasionally a passerby will see only the signs that
he agrees with. He may focus on a sign exhorting us to ³Support our
Troops² (which seems to mean ³Endorse the wars and all the
inhumanity they include.²)  Or another might focus on ³No War,²
³Support the Troops; Bring Them Home,² ³Stop the Torture,² ³Impeach
Each way of seeing brings its own reaction.
But if passersby look at what is really happening every week at
that intersection, they will see democracy at work. 
And thank God for that! Because, of course, if we don¹t use it,
we¹ll lose it. 
– Edythe Briggs, Santa Rosa

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