Editor: The 19th annual VolunteerĀ¹s Tea for the hospital staff
on August 23 was a huge success (with 98 staff members signing the
guest book). We received many comments of appreciation for all that
the volunteers do for the hospital and staff.
The flower decorations after the party were won by Vicky
Beltran, Beth Johnson and Bridget Graydon.
Refreshments donated by the volunteers were wonderful. Thank you
all! Volunteers helping at the tea were Betty Tomkovic, Katherine
Popich, Pat Myers, Rosemarie Mangano, Helen Champion, Charlotte
Damkroger, Jennie Pearl Reese, Mary Jean Elze, Nell Haviland, Kathy
Lindsay and Anita Allen. We had a very good representation of our
Healdsburg Hospital, Volunteer Board