Editor: Sunday¹s Press Democrat presented two distinct portraits
of Congressman Mike Thompson. On the front page, he was described
as a prolific fundraiser and Washington power player. In Chris
Smith¹s column, he was saluted for sharing credit with his staff
for a legislative success. I would like to add a couple more pieces
to this mosaic.
He¹s very accessible ‹ he¹s held two town hall meetings in
Healdsburg alone this year ‹ and he provides great constituent
services. In the long run, I think this is what people will
appreciate most; he listens, he¹s respectful and he helps solve the
everyday problems people have with their Social Security checks,
veterans benefits or prescription drug coverage.
We¹re very lucky to have Mike Thompson represent us in Congress
and I hope he remains in office for a long, long time.
Edith Smith, Healdsburg

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