Re-elect Fudge
Deborah Fudge is a councilwoman and many times mayor of Windsor with a long record of significant accomplishment in many areas. I’ll just focus on one.
Her leadership on SMART has been both visionary and courageous, which I witnessed firsthand as her colleague on the SMART Board of Directors for seventeen years. Through thick and thin, facing major obstacles, setbacks, and challenges, she remained undaunted. The arrival of the train in Windsor will highlight the outstanding leadership of a great public servant. I encourage your vote for Deborah Fudge.
Jake Mackenzie
Vice Mayor
Rohnert Park
Primary care doctors needed
I was told by a local doctor that if this measure BB does not pass the hospital and Healdsburg Primary Care would close automatically. Is this true?
I think the Healdsburg Hospital is very important. I have worked on all funding projects to help keep this facility fiscally viable and open. For the families that live in northern Sonoma County and especially the rural areas, this hospital can mean the difference of life and death for the vital first hour after an emergency.
The planning for Memorial Hospital to take over has been in the making for years and now thousands of patients have been without their primary care doctor and left with someone who is here temporarily from southern California.
I have been a patient at Healdsburg Primary Care for 51 years where my four children and husband received their medical care. Why has the transition for primary care doctors been so poorly planned? This is not good, shame on whoever is in charge, the lives and healthcare of many seniors and families have been put in danger and in the middle of a pandemic. Shame, Shame on you!
I am voting to keep my hospital open, and hopefully to have a family care physician who will stay in Healdsburg.
Karen Tappin
Windsor Council needs change
Editor: The Windsor town council needs change, it needs new voices, it needs better representation, and it needs council members who will listen to all the citizens of Windsor, not just their friends or campaign contributors (many of whom are developers or unions from near and far). 
The town council needs more diversity, more council members who reflect and represent the town, its values and its citizens. The current majority of the council members do not have children, so their focus may be different than yours. Windsor needs council member who represent us, the citizens and not their own interests. As they say, “follow the money” and look at who is giving the incumbents big $$$ donations. This is all public information on the town’s website, not easy to find, but well worth a look.
Now is our chance to save our Town Green, the Huerta Gym and the library on the Green. We want and need planned growth, planned development and a thriving town, but we do not have to sell our town to get it. I think some on the current council have forgotten who they work for, and how they got into office. Now is the time to exercise your right to vote.  
You can still register to vote and vote on or before Nov. 3, never has it been more important. 
Vote Rosa Reynoza for mayor and Jeff Leasure for District 3. They will listen and they will represent us.  
Now is the time to make your voice heard and vote for change. Windsor needs a new voice.
Betsy Mallace
Why I’m voting for Rosa
As a 20+ year resident of Windsor I support Rosa Reynoza as the first elected mayor of Windsor. Rosa is dedicated and connected to the Windsor residents, through her non-profit volunteering, commitment to attend town council meetings and budgeting experience. Through these qualifications and contacts she has her finger on the pulse of the community. I know my tax dollars will be spent wisely with Rosa as mayor.
Mary Ann Bainbridge-Krause

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