Legacy of bad roads
Editor: I drive across Irwin Lane between Occidental Road and Highway 12 every day as part of my commute. For months I’ve seen big double hopper gravel trucks as they go back and forth from the quarry in Forestville to the casino project in Rohnert Park. I know this because at one point I followed a truck after seeing so many of them each day. These big heavy trucks also find little Irwin Lane to be a convenient cut-through. The road is so torn up that I have to have my front end worked on every year and I can hear it rattling around under there again. Irwin Lane was named one of the worst roads for pot holes in Sonoma County in a poll last year.
I’ve been meaning to write this letter for quite a while. After reading the article (“County roads to see record spending in 2013,” Aug. 8), it seems to me that Irwin Lane should qualify for much needed pavement. Llano Road was just paved and I didn’t even notice any potholes on it. While I’m on the subject, many thanks to the Sanchietti family for the beautiful flowers for every season. Except for the potholes, it’s a pretty nice commute.
Susan Bendinelli

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