Editor: My daughter and I just finished our third Relay for Life
here in Windsor. Despite the heat of 109 degrees we had an awesome
group of people who kept up walking and supporting each other all
through the entire 24 horus. Wow!
You should all be proud of yourselves for what you did and why
you did it. For me, it has personal meaning both from losing a
parent to cancer and from seeing all those that have survived. It
gives me hope that we can fight this disease. Every year that I
participate I take away a little more knowledge, compassion and
respect for all those who have fought and won.
I also want to thank Kevin Parkhurst for the wonderful job he
did wearing many hats and always keeping his cool. I never saw him
get stressed and as a committee member never felt pressured to do
more than I was capable of. My hat goes off to you! Lastly, I want
to thank the Windsor Fire Department for coming two times to hose
us off and revive our overheated bodies.
I am already thinking about next year and setting my goal to
double what I collected this year. I also hope to be able to work
on a committee or be a team captain and give a little more of
Sandi Crane, Windsor

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