EDITOR: The attack on Dennis Colthurst is outrageous, unfair,
unjust, elitist, arrogant,and a thinly veiled political statement
used to attack the honor and integrity of a public servant who has
dedicated 30 years to protect people like her.  
I have known Dennis for nearly 30 years, and have seen him care
for the injured and protect those threatened. I have seen his
passion for “doing good” and protecting Sebastopol. He is a fine
man and one of the best of our finest. 
He is a police officer dedicated to protect our citizens, and
cares not one bit what decorates her back bumper. She attacks his
integrity because he might think differently than her, because he
salutes an old man who has a different opinion than her. 
Dennis’ letter clearly was expressing his love for Sebastopol
and it’s people. He was expressing his love and passion for his job
and his gratitude for living in Sebastopol and being a cop for the
people of Sebastopol. 
He saluted the man on the other corner out of respect of the man
not as a political statement.  And what if it were a political
statement? Is Janet the only one allowed to have an opinion. This
is becoming the message of Sebastopol ‹ ³my way or the highway², US
versus THEM , arrogant elitist, adversarial, exclusive, prejudicial
attacks on anyone who has a different opinion,or even pays respect
to someone who disagrees with the enlightened person with the
correct bumper stickers. 
How outrageous to attack a fine dedicated public servant for
expressing his love of our town and its people; or for an act of
respect for a man who has probably sacrificed himself so that Janet
can express her opinion. If you don¹t like Bush ‹ dont take it out
on your fellow Sebastopol citizens, especially the ones who care so
much about you and your safety.      
– Roger Delgado M.D., Sebastopol

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