Live bands, food and beverages will be abundant in Sonoma County
come September when several festivals help bring summer to a
A redwood forest and a riverfront beach make for beautiful
backdrops at two of the annual events; beer is the highlight of
another, and collectively the festivals seemingly offer music and
fun for everyone.
Jazz on the River
10 to 6 p.m., Saturday
and Sunday, Sept. 11, 12,
at Johnson’s Beach, Guerneville
Formerly known as the Russian River Jazz Festival, in 2010 Jazz
on the River and the Russian River Blues Festival will be combined.
Jazz will be performed on Saturday and Blues will be performed on
Sunday, according to an article about the event at
“The setting couldn’t be better. Huge redwood trees surround you
with the hot sun shining through. Everyone hangs out on lawn chairs
and just kicks back while the music plays. If you get hot, just
jump in the warm and inviting Russian River for a dip. Be sure to
bring a blanket, swimsuit, hat, sunscreen … even sweaters for the
cool river mornings and evenings,” the article states.
Heading the Jazz on the River Festival on Saturday is David
Sanborn. Heading the Russian River Blues Festival on Sunday is the
Doobie Brothers.
General admission tickets for adults cost $45 a day, or $80 for
a two-day pass. Children 6 – 12 cost $10 a day, and children 5 and
under are free. To purchase tickets, or for more information call
Cajun-Zydeco Festival
11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 11,
at Ives Park, Sebastopol
There are two important reasons to go to the Cajun-Zydeco
Festival; one is that it’s a charity event and all the money goes
to fund the Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise charity projects and
community grants, and the other reason is that it’s “a whole lot of
fun,” said event co-chair Scott Hensey, referring to the music, the
food, and the “world class” entertainment. There will also be a
shaded dance floor for those wishing to kick up their heels.
“The headliner this year is a zydeco superstar and a force of
nature,” Hensey said, referring to Terrence Simien. “It’s a rare
thing to see him on a small stage; he’s a big stage kind of guy.
He’s a Grammy winner.”
Gator Beat kicks off the event at 11:30 a.m., followed by The
Mark St. Mary Louisiana Blues and Zydeco Band at 1:20 p.m.; Horace
Trahan and His Band with very special guests at 3:10 p.m.; and
Terrence Simien and the Zydeco Experience at 5 p.m.
Gator sausage, gumbo, barbecue, ice cream, red beans and rice,
watermelon, shaved ice, beer, wine, margaritas and Hurricanes will
be available for purchase.
Presale tickets cost $17 for adults, or $20 at the door.
Children 12 and under are free. For more information, visit
or call 824-4160.
Beer in the Plaza
3 to 7 p.m., Saturday,
Sept. 11, at the downtown plaza, Healdsburg
Healdsburg Soroptimist’s biggest fund-raiser of the year is
“wonderful,” said Karen Tappin, event chair and long-time
Soroptimist member. “We have live music the whole time, and right
now at least 37 microbreweries (are participating), and more may be
coming,” Tappin said, noting this is a higher than normal
For $20 attendees get a souvenir glass and three drink tickets.
Additional drink tickets cost $1 each. “What’s nice about our event
is that every single penny we make from the general public goes
back to the general public,” she said, noting proceeds support
scholarships, the DAAC program, the Breast Cancer Survivor
Assistance Program, and other good causes. In the past, the Beer
Festival grossed around $37,000, according to Tappin.
“It’s just a lot of fun. This year we are serving pulled pork
sandwiches, burritos, and big hot pretzels with mustard,” she said,
adding, a group of high school girls working at the event will be
selling popcorn, cookies and other desserts.
A silent auction and a raffle will also take place during the
24th Annual Beer in the Plaza. For more information call 975-7011
or visit
Celtic Music Festival
Times vary, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Sept. 24, 25, 26, at 390 Morris St., Sebastopol
“I could go on and on about the nature of the Celtic event. The
bottom line is superior musicians in a wonderful indoor/outdoor
venue at a festival that has brought international attention to
Sebastopol in the music world,” Sebastopol Community Center
Executive Director Diana Rich said. “It’s great for adults and
kids, and with the weather finally turning into summer warmth, it
should be just the place to be in late September,” she said of the
festival which draws about 1,000 people a day, resulting in an
economic boost for Sebastopol. “The Celtic artists are truly
fabulous … talented musicians with international reputations.
There’s lots of beautiful voices, acoustic guitar, violins …” Rich
Performers at this year’s event include: Martin Hayes and Dennis
Cahill, Lunasa, Karan Casey and John Doyle, Le Vent du Nord, Solas,
April Verch Band, Sandy Silva, Jimmy Keane, Molly’s Revenge, Three
Mile Stone, Hot Frittatas, Healy Irish Dancers, Sweet Penny Royals,
Kate Price Band, and Apple Tree Morris.
Tickets and more information about the artists and the event in
general are available at
Old Grove Festival
Times vary, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 24, 25,
at Armstrong Woods, Guerneville
“The venue is incredible. It takes place in the redwood forest
theater built in the 1930s. It’s just incredible to be in the
theater with the redwoods,” said Michele Luna, Executive Director
of Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods.
“The shows we are doing are also going to be really good this
year,” he said.
Hoedown in the Redwoods happens Friday night. Gates open at 5
p.m.; Edge of Town, the opening act, starts at 5:45 p.m. The main
act, Laurie Lewis and the Right Hands, starts at 7 p.m.
The music Saturday starts at noon, with local bands such as Jim
Ocean, the Mighty Chiplings, The Fargo Brothers, and the Thugz.
“Saturday night is going to be really special,” Luna said,
referring to Aloha in the Grove, featuring Grammy award winning
musician Led Kaapana.
Taimalietane Islands of Polynesia (dance troupe) will open the
show at 5:45 p.m.; the main show starts at 7 p.m. There will also
be a big Hawaiian feast with roasted pig, according to Luna.
To purchase tickets, or for more information visit
Tickets can also be purchased at the steward’s office at Armstrong
Redwoods State Natural Reserve. For hours and directions call

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