Welcome to the Family and Friends of Jeff and Gary
    In celebration of the life of Gary and the life of Jeff, we welcome you to stop by the Jeff Bodwin Community Garden between 11-2 on Saturday, September 25, 2021. Take a stroll through the garden and if you can bring a photo to hang on our garden photoline. We will have paper flags for you to write a note of remembrance, gratitude and hope to hang in Jeff’s garden or your own garden.  Each in their own way, both Jeff and Gary devoted their lives in the service of their community. So with open hearts we invite you to join us and share your memories. There will be no food and Sonoma County Parks asks all to wear masks at this time. Thank you for honoring these guidelines in a commitment to the welfare of our community. Parking is very limited.
P.S. Check out the YouTube video Andy’s Unity Park and see the love and dedication of the Mooreland community and Sonoma County in the building of Andy’s Unity Park and the Jeff Bodwin Community Garden. So inspiring!
Please text Holly or Carol if you are coming. Holly 916-208-2195/Carol 916-873-2259 with love.Â