Scoping sessions start in two weeks with a Nov. 4 workshop in
the Monte Rio Community Center to hear public concerns about
permanently reducing summer flows in the Russian River.
The Sonoma County Water Agency is hosting the series of three
open-house scoping sessions that will help determine the focus of
an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) now getting under way on the
reduced summer flow proposal.
Last month the Water Agency released a formal Notice of
Preparation (NOP) of the EIR.
“Releasing the NOP is the first step in the environmental
process and provides a formal opportunity for public involvement,”
said Sonoma County Water Agency General Manager Grant Davis.
The purpose of the EIR is to analyze the impacts of proposed
changes to flows in the Russian River and Dry Creek, as mandated by
the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), said Davis.
“The Water Agency is carefully studying potential impacts of
changing flows in the Russian River and Dry Creek,” said Davis.
“The Notice of Preparation provides people their first opportunity
to become involved in this multi-year process.”
The Russian River Biological Opinion, issued by NMFS in Sept.
2008, requires the Water Agency to reduce minimum summertime flows
in the Russian River and Dry Creek. Biologists from NMFS have
concluded that current flow levels in the Russian River and Dry
Creek during the summer are too high for young coho salmon and
A 1986 ruling (Decision 1610) by the State Water Resources
Control Board (State Water Board) requires minimum summertime flows
at specified areas of the Russian River and Dry Creek. In order to
meet the requirements of the Biological Opinion, the Water Agency
must petition the State Water Board to make changes to Decision
1610, as follows:
•In the upper river (above the confluence of Dry Creek and the
river): between June 1 and August 31 of each year the existing
minimum instream flow requirement of 185 cubic feet per second
(cfs) is proposed to change to 125 cfs. Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31
of each year the existing minimum instream flow requirement of 150
cfs is proposed to change to 125 cfs;
•In the lower River (below the confluence of Dry Creek and the
River): The existing minimum instream flow requirement of 125 cfs
is proposed to change to 70 cfs year round.
•In Dry Creek: Between May 1 and Oct. 31 of each year the
existing minimum instream flow requirement of 80 cfs is proposed to
change to 40 cfs.
In addition, the Water Agency is proposing that the State Water
Board make other changes, including revising the hydrologic index
(the measurement of whether the water year is considered normal,
dry or critical).
Currently, the hydrologic index is based on conditions in the
Eel River watershed. The Water Agency is proposing that the index
be based on conditions in Lake Mendocino, in the Russian River
In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), the Water Agency will prepare an EIR to provide an analysis
of the potential impacts associated with the proposed changes on
recreation, wildlife, fisheries, water quality and other subjects,
said Davis.
Water Agency staff will be available to answer questions about
the project and about the requirements for compliance to CEQA. A
court reporter will be available for people to provide formal
comments on the proposed scope of the EIR.
The three scoping open houses in November will discuss the
proposed project and the subjects that will be evaluated in the
EIR. The first open house will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on
Thursday, Nov. 4th in Monte Rio at the Monte Rio Community
The second hearing is on Monday, Nov. 8 in Windsor at the
Windsor Town Hall.
The third session is on Wednesday, Nov. 10 in Ukiah at the Alex
Rorabaughn Center on State St.
Public comments on the NOP can also be submitted in written form
or by email. Deadline for comments is Nov. 15. Comments can be
submitted electronically by going to
or can be sent to:
Sonoma County Water Agency
Jessica Martini-Lamb
404 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
For additional information, contact Ann DuBay, 524-8378 or