As the Healdsburg Women’s Golf Club looks back on the year gone by, it would like to recognize the club members that achieved both individual excellence and improvement.  
The following are the winners of club events for 2021. 
Club Champion 
Val Cronin was crowned the HWGC champion for 2021. Cronin had some truly spectacular rounds during the year. Her name is now engraved on the club championship plaque, which is displayed year-round in the pro shop.
Club Championship
Club Champion: Val Cronin (78/74) 152
Runner-Up:  Anne Friedemann (86/86) 172
Fitch Mountain Cup (Low Net)
Champion:  Val Cronin (69/65) 134
Runner Up:  Pat Bertapelle (70/72) 142
The winners of these two events are to represent the HWGC in the Tournament of Club Champions (TOCC) in 2022. Since Cronin won both of these events, Pat Bertapelle as runner-up of the Fitch Mountain Cup will join Val in representing HWGC in the TOCC. It will be held on April 25, 2022, at Stone Tree Golf Club in Novato.
Kennedy Award: Most Improved Golfer
Beverley Madden. She reduced her handicap by 6.1 points through diligence, hard work, and determination. Madden’s name has been engraved on the Kennedy Award MIG plaque which is displayed in the Pro Shop. Thanks to Judy Somers for keeping track of the handicaps and for keeping this a secret until the club luncheon.
Other notable improvements for individual club members:
Caryl Putnam, reduced handicap by 5.5 points.
Judy Somers, reduced handicap by 4.3 points.
Peggy Decker, reduced handicap by 3.1 points.
Pat Bertapelle, reduced handicap by 2.4 points. 
Break Pins
When a member reaches the milestone of “breaking” an 18-hole score of 100 (or 90 or 80), she is awarded a pin to commemorate the achievement. These members received their break 100 pins at the luncheon:
Julie Jennaro
Maureen Martin
Caryl Putnam
Hannah Mae Cronin (presented by her mother, Val).
Birdies (members who shot 1-under-par for a hole)
One Birdie:
Kate Bucher
Joyce Jensch
Carol Manley
Carmen Puccinelli 
Diane Stern
Janice Torres
Two Birdies:
Julie Conklin 
Hanna Mae Cronin
Sue Dickens
Kathy McCaffrey 
Joan O’Connor
Three Birdies:
Maureen Martin
Four Birdies:
Anne Friedemann 
Kay Robinson
Peggy Sabourin
Gaye Taylor
Dee Whitehall 
Five Birdies:
Pat Bertapelle 
Liz Thompson
Six Birdies:
Judy Somers
13 Birdies:
Val Cronin
Thank you to Kay Robinson for tracking the Eclectic results this year. Eclectic play is an optional competition that runs each year starting with the first play-day in May through the last play-day in August. Eclectic means that for the first week of participation, your hole-by-hole score is recorded. Thereafter, as your score improves on each hole of the course, your improved score for each hole is recorded. At the end of the Eclectic competition, your final hole-by-hole score is compared with the first week’s hole by hole score. Player improvement is ranked and flighted (players with similar handicaps are grouped together to compete). It is another fun way to participate.  
The net final score shown is each player’s final gross score total for the best score recorded on each hole during the eclectic period, less their Healdsburg Course Handicap (CH).
Flight 1: 10 players
1st place: Maureen Martin (net final score 54)
2nd place: Dee Whitehall (net final score 55)
3rd place: Gaye Taylor (net final score 55)
4th place: Peggy Decker (net final score 56)
Flight 2: 10 players
1st place:  Pat Bertapelle (net final score 46)
2nd place: Kathy McCaffrey (net final score 47)
3rd place: Joan O’Connor (net final score 51)
4th place: Emmy Cleland (net final score 53)
Flight 3: 10 players
1st place: Sue Dickens (net final score 41)
2nd place:  Carmen Puccinelli (net final score 46)
3rd place:  Liz Thompson (net final score 47)
4th place: Judy Somers (net final score 49)
Although the 2021 season has ended, the HWCG welcomes and looks forward to adding new members to its roster in 2022.  The HWGC is open to all players with any level of golf talent or any age. The group enjoys the sport of golf, the beautiful views of Healdsburg and fun social events. Any ladies interested in joining the HWGC are encouraged to contact Kathy McCaffrey at

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