A slew of job opportunities have been posted on the city website, ranging from part-time “retirement” jobs to full-time career positions.
Of particular note are several within the Community Services Department, including the recreation manager position to provide leadership, vision and direction to the recreation programs and services teams. Another Community Services position as project manager is also open, to assist in the development of upcoming parks and other projects. A full-time administrative tech position is also listed, as is a part-time parks and facilities aide.
The Police Department is also hiring, with a full-time law enforcement/public safety officer now accepting applications. The department also recently listed two part-time positions, in parking enforcement and code enforcement; check to see if these positions are still available.
Two administrative analyst II positions are also open, one in the Housing Department and one in the City Manager’s Office. All open positions are listed on the city’s website at Healdsburg.gov.
HOLIDAY CLOSURE & CITY COUNCIL: All City of Healdsburg offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5, due to the Labor Day holiday. The next meeting of the Healdsburg City Council will be on Tuesday, Sept. 6, due to the closure of city offices on Monday. The meeting begins at 6pm at City Hall Council Chamber, 401 Grove St., and is also carried live on Zoom. The agenda has not yet been published.
WILDFIRE PREPAREDNESS PLAN: Like other jurisdictions in Sonoma County, the City of Healdsburg is developing a Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) to help to pursue future funding and fire prevention grants, and to act as a guide to make our community more fire safe. All residents are encouraged to fill out the CWPP Survey online to assist in the development of this plan, available in both Spanish and English, from the attached QR code image or off the city’s website, Healdsburg.gov.