5:06 a.m. Threats on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party states her daughter has been receiving threatening text messages from the reporting party’s son. Officers provided advice and a supplemental case was issued.

7:25 a.m. Violation of court order on Healdsburg Avenue. A male individual continues to violate a restraining order and is sending threatening emails to the female’s friends, family and coworkers. One threat he would strangle her friend and put him at the bottom of a lake.

4:58 p.m. Petty theft on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party states two shoplifts took approximately $100 worth of food, candy and soda. Report taken.

5:07 p.m. Vandalism on Healdsburg Avenue. The day before someone drove off with the gas nozzle still in their tank, causing about $2,400 worth of damage. Report taken.



12:57 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party called to advise that a highly intoxicated male was loitering and refusing to leave. Officers arrived on the scene and the male was detained and placed under arrest for an active misdemeanor warrant.

2:50 p.m. Unwanted subject on N. Fitch Mountain Road. Reporting party states that an unknown male was waiting on his front porch. The man was cooperative and said he would leave but that he was waiting for a woman and was told to meet her at the porch. He had paid the woman $200 for a “hook-up” but the woman never showed up and he realized it was a scam.

4:29 p.m. Public intoxication on Center Street. A woman was driving by and said she saw a man fall over a metal railing into a hedge. An officer responded and made contact with the man and the man was transported to the hospital due to extreme intoxication.

4:49 p.m. Petty theft on Healdsburg Avenue. Two iPads were stolen and the reporting party has the suspect on camera and is willing to press charges. Report taken.

4:56 p.m. Mask health code violation on Healdsburg Avenue.



6:40 a.m. Vandalism on Spruce Street. A car was egged.

6:09 p.m. Reckless driving on Healdsburg Avenue/Front Street. Reporting party observed a vehicle driving into the oncoming lane, going slower than the posted speed limit and slamming on the breaks.

10:56 p.m. Drunk driver on Redwood Highway/Central Healdsburg offramp. A male was arrested for DUI and transported to the county jail.



11:23 a.m. Disturbance on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party came to the police department to report that her mother was pushed and hit the night before by a male subject.

11:34 a.m. Reckless driver on Healdsburg Avenue. Vehicle was seen swerving toward the center divide.

12:18 p.m. Disturbance on East Street. Reporting party said a male was throwing garbage in her house and yelling at her and her daughter. He then rode away on the bike and said he was going to go to the police department. Officer advised the male subject to leave the woman and her daughter alone.

11:09 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party called to report that they saw a male and a female and possibly a child in the middle of the street yelling. The male subject was arrested and transported to the county jail for on charges and two warrants.



8:54 a.m. Verbal disturbance on University Street. Reporting party reports of a possible domestic incident and heard someone swearing and saying “you are always doing this” and is asking people to kill him or that he wants to kill someone. Officers responded and the father said he’d handle the situation and will attempt to contact his son’s therapist.

11:08 a.m. Petty theft on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party states a shoplifter stole a bottle of wine.

2:33 p.m. Disturbance on Healdsburg Avenue. An intoxicated male was yelling at people and making aggressive movements. The man left prior to officer arrival on scene.

5:22 p.m. Public intoxication on Healdsburg Avenue/Parkland Farms. A male was seen passed out in a grassy area with his backpack in the road. Officers responded and medical aid responded as a precautionary measure. Subject was transported to the hospital for intoxication.

8:06 p.m. Public intoxication on University Avenue. Hospital staff called to report that an intoxicated patient left despite being too intoxicated to leave.

11:40 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Officer initiated activity. A male was cited for an out of county warrant.



 8:05 a.m. Vandalism on University Street. Damage to a tree and a “no parking” sign was reported. Report taken.

7:47 p.m. Unwanted subject on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting party states that a transient set up camp and is scaring tenants that live above in an residential building.



1:34 a.m. Drunk driver on Vine Street. Multiple callers reported a man stumbling and urinating who then got in his car and drove away and drove past a stop sign without stopping. An officer searched the area for the driver but was unable to locate the subject.



8:59 a.m. Disturbance on Grant Avenue. A male and female were seen arguing. The female jumped in front of the reporting party’s car to try to get her to stop but she didn’t. An officer made contact with the arguing male and female and both parties agreed to separate for the day.

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