4:34 a.m.  Disturbance on Larkspur Drive.
1:00 p.m. Petty theft on Vine Street. Caller states that she believes her wallet was taken from out of her cart. Wallet described as a black pocket wallet with strap. Wallet contains drivers license, Medicare card, credit cards, miscellaneous cards, car keys to Infiniti vehicle. Credit card was used at gas station.
4:23 p.m. Unlicensed driver on University Avenue, citation issued.
6:35 p.m. Accident with property damage only at roundabout on Healdsburg Avenue.
6:36 p.m. Vandalism to vehicle on Center Street. Subject came to the police department to report that while shopping someone smashed her rental car window, nothing was taken.
7:21 p.m. Grand theft at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller advising she was at the park, her purse was in the stroller and noticed her wallet is now gone, did not see anyone take it but believes it may have been stolen. Came to PD to report found her wallet and it was not stolen, therefore report canceled/voided.
8:55 p.m. Reckless driver on Prince Avenue. Two cars, one white car and one black in the parking lot burning rubber seen taking off west. Unable to locate.
9:37 p.m. Reckless driver at Healdsburg Avenue and Powell Avenue, northbound, blue and black cars. Unable to locate.
10:14 a.m. Reckless driver at First Street and North Street.
10:15 a.m. Vandalism to vehicle at Front Street and Healdsburg Avenue. Caller advising she parked her vehicle on the street yesterday, when she came out to her vehicle today she found her tires slashed, the vehicle keyed and dented.
3:17 p.m. Petty theft on Vine Street. Caller reporting a male stole a 32 pack of water and a bottle of alcohol. Officers responded, subject cited and released. Citation given.
7:42 p.m. Fraud at Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue. Caller is experiencing imposter fraud regarding her social security stating that she is still employed at the HDH. Referred to SCSO for a fraud report since she resides outside city limits.
7:59 p.m. Stolen vehicle on Prince Avenue. Man is yelling someone is trying to steal his vehicle. Man tried to grab female from the car stating she tried to steal his car. Female now sitting on the curb. Arrest made.
2:00 a.m.  Disturbance on Palm Avenue. Female screaming and yelling for 3-4 hours. Cussing, throwing glass and screaming. Officers responded. The female was contacted from the window who advised she did not need assistance, advised to keep it down.
3:45 p.m. Disturbance on Palm Avenue. Caller is dealing with problems: people are talking about her and it’s not true. Occurring now in the parking lot beside her residence/heard only. Reporting party does not want law enforcement response because the people will stop as soon as officers arrive. She states there is nothing HPD can do. Reporting party requested this be notated only. Information provided to W/C. Log entry only.

 4:58 a.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Citation issued.
9:20 a.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Transient on ground by shopping carts unable to wake or rouse, found to have a warrant out of San Diego.  Arrest made.
12:04 p.m. Domestic incident on Exchange Avenue. Caller advising of a domestic between two subjects on the construction site he is working. Officers responded. Negative domestic, both parties want the other party counseled, both advised to stay away from each other.
1:30 p.m.  Domestic incident on Palm Avenue. Caller advising she heard what sounded like a domestic while on the phone with her ex-husband. She states she could hear the female that’s living with him screaming and breaking things and she’s fearful for her son who lives there as well as her ex-husband. Caller also mentioned that female threatened her adult son a week ago, told him she was going to put ground glass in his food, walks in circles screaming to herself. Officers responded to the residence, female arrest and transported to county jail.
1:59 p.m. Unwanted subject at Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue. Subject is out front causing a disturbance, escorted off the property.
2:27 p.m. Unwanted subject on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller advising that (market) is refusing to check out her son even though he’s wearing a mask. Advised her the business has the right to refuse service to anyone. Next received a call from (market) stating they want the caller out of the store as she and her two daughters are refusing to wear masks, her son is the only wearing a mask. Advised caller that whomever is in her group without a mask needs to leave as it is the stores right to ask them to and enforce the mask policy. She appeared to understand. Caller called back and stated that now they will not check out her son, again explained it’s their right to refuse service and if they are asking her to leave she needed to do so, advised she could go to another market. Caller then went back to arguing why she couldn’t check out at market and hung up on dispatch. Officers responded and contacted group, family has left the property and advised they are trespassed.
2:43 p.m. Unwanted subject on Grapevine Lane. Caller advising that a transient has been staying on the property in a truck and husband is having a hard time getting him to leave. Referred to other agency.
2:45 p.m. Petty theft on Dry Creek Road. Caller believes hotel staff stole a ring from his room. Requesting advice.
3:05 p.m. Disturbance at Lily Street and March Avenue. Subject yelling and screaming. No action taken.
4:07 p.m. Disturbance on Healdsburg Avenue. Homeless man in verbal altercation. Officers responded, verbal only was escorted off the property.
8:20 p.m. Mail tampering on Center Street. Caller saw a female take mail and then pretended not to when she saw him. Checks OK.
9:03 p.m. Hit and run accident on Mill Street.
6:39 a.m. Burglary on Hillside Drive. Caller states his house in Forestville was robbed. Transferred caller to SCSO. Referred to other agency.
9:38 a.m. Petty theft on Sylvan Court. Caller advising that a blower, valued at $85, was taken by a subject out of the back of her husband’s truck sometime this morning. A male subject wearing a mask, glasses and a hoodie was seen on a neighbor’s camera in the area around 3:30 a.m. as well as a hatchback type vehicle however footage is not great and at a bad angle — unknown if related.
11:59 a.m. Petty theft on Vine Street.
2:12 p.m. Trespassing at Healdsburg District Hospital on University Avenue. Subject from previous call is back at the hospital and causing issues, could hear her in the background yelling. HDH wants to formally trespass subject.
4:07 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Arrest made.
9:12 p.m. Disturbance on Grant Street. Checks OK.
12:35 a.m. Stolen vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue.
10:40 a.m. Petty theft on Healdsburg Avenue. Shoplifter from earlier.
3:10 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue, Citation issued.
3:54 p.m. Unwanted subject on Dry Creek Road. Advising a male and female transient couple keep walking around the property, advised they have been asked to leave multiple times as they have been “physical” with maintenance staff in the past. Staff willing to trespass. Subjects were advised of the complaint and told not to return to the property, they advised they wouldn’t.
5:04 p.m. Accident with property damage only on Center Street.
8:53 p.m. Parole/probation violation at Giorgi Park on University Street. Arrests made.
2:58 a.m. Warrant service on Powell Avenue.
6:22 a.m. Disturbance on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller says male threw water on his head and his shirt is still wet, requesting that an officer speak to him and tell him not to splash water on him.
7:51 a.m. Burglary to vehicle on Prince Avenue. Caller’s window was smashed and damage to one of the car doors.
5:02 p.m. Hit and run accident on Healdsburg Avenue.
5:59 p.m. Disturbance on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller reports that a subject from the storage units across from Memorial Beach Market came out and threatened to beat him up over previous name calling.

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