7:00 a.m. Accident with property damage only at Dry Creek Road and northbound Highway 101.
9:06 a.m. Health code violation on Montage Way. Email to County Code Enforcement: “I am highly upset about Montage Healdsburg allowing guests to come this weekend despite the stay home order that you enacted. We own a bed and breakfast in Santa Rosa and have been turning away tourists due to your orders. Restaurants are on the verge of going out of business due to the order. But Montage is allowed to open and operate? This is a blatant display of money running the government. I guarantee that anyone spending $800 – $1500 a night are not essential workers! This would defy your orders and should not be allowed.” 
No response per WC, no specific info violation; order states “Open for non-essential, out-of-state reservations so long as reservation is at least the minimum time period required for quarantine.”
10:47 a.m. Health code violation (mask) on Center Street. Voicemail from County Code Enforcement, business does not have a mask mandate. Per WC, no response.
10:49 a.m. Accident with property damage only on March Avenue.
10:52 a.m. Petty theft on Vine Street.
1:05 p.m. Health code violation on Montage Way. Email to County Code Enforcement: “Today in the paper there was an article about the new hotel in Healdsburg called ‘Montage,’ which is apparently a luxury hotel costing upwards of $700- $1600 per night. The hotel is now just opening, and as the article stated, the management intends to continue offering lodging to guests during this new pandemic-related ‘shelter in place’ lockdown. I wondered if this hotel was unique in violating the current rules, so I called four other hotels in Healdsburg, and they are all continuing to take guests. I also called the Sonoma Mission Inn in Sonoma, as well as the Kenwood Inn. They are all intending to flaunt the current restrictions on taking guests from outside our county, and they are all booked. These hotels intend to continue to offer accommodations for tourists from outside Sonoma County, even though the restaurants and wineries are supposedly not providing other tourist amenities. 
“The public should be informed of this outrage. When hotels are accommodating tourists from outside our county, while the people who actually live here are being forced to endure very strict restrictions right at Christmas, this is a huge insult. This means that the very profitable hotels are allowed ‘business as usual,’ while the people of our county are inhibited from leaving their homes, and prohibited from places where any congregation of people might occur. Individuals who might be carrying the COVID-19 virus are being deliberately invited into our county, where they might spread the virus to our own communities, causing further spread within locals, even though our local hospitals are already overwhelmed with sick patients. Those workers at the hotels who might be exposed to visitors carrying the virus, might end up exposing their own families. 
“This situation must be addressed by officials in charge of the enforcement of the current COVID restrictions. Thank you for your attention to this very serious matter.”
No response per WC, no specific violation information; order states: “Open for non-essential, out-of-state reservations so long as reservation is at least the minimum time period required for quarantine.”
2:42 p.m. Civil problem on University Street, Violation of custody visitation order
4:15 p.m. Warrant service at Healdsburg Center. Citation issued.
12:48 p.m. Petty theft on Healdsburg Avenue.
1:05 p.m. Cyber/computer crime on Foss Creek Circle.
1:15 p.m. Assault on Healdsburg Avenue. Female spit on caller and employees. Officers responded and spoke to victims. Spit didn’t actually land on them, it’s still on the ground. 
Report taken and will be sent to the DA for charges. 
2:32 p.m. Health code violation (mask) at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller states that a group of eight teenagers approximately 14-16 years old are riding their bikes near the fountain without masks on.
2:33 p.m. Health code violation (mask) at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. Guy in the Plaza, playing guitar, not wearing a mask. Caller is annoyed by the music that he’s playing — he was advised that since it’s not amplified there is no enforcement. Caller then expressed his concerns about the subject not wearing a mask.
7:24 a.m. Graffiti on Sunnyvale Drive.
11:55 a.m. Accident with property damage only on Healdsburg Avenue.
6:01 p.m. Disturbance at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue. Two males screaming and yelling at each other under the gazebo. One rammed their bike into the other. Officers responded and made contact with subjects. Not sure if the subjects had an issue with each other, they were just both being loud. Checks OK.
10:14 p.m. Disturbance on Linda View Drive.
10:22 a.m. Health code violation on Prince Avenue. Group of 8-10 individuals playing soccer. Per W/C no response taken.
12:29 p.m. Warrant service on Healdsburg Avenue. Citation issued.
1:35 p.m. Burglary to vehicle on East Street.
10:57 p.m. Hit and run accident at Prince Avenue and Grant Street.
11:19 p.m. Fireworks violation on Canyon Run. Reporting fireworks being set off in parking lot. Delayed due to priority call .
12:03 a.m. Fireworks violation at Fitch Street and Mason Street. Fireworks came from Ward Street area
12:05 a.m. Fireworks violation on Healdsburg Avenue. Reporting very loud fireworks in the area. Appears fireworks came from Ward Street area.
1:54 a.m. Petty theft on East Street.  
10:48 a.m. Coroner’s case on Kennedy Lane. Caller states her father did not wake up this morning. 
6:55 p.m. Grand theft on Healdsburg Avenue.
7:59 p.m. Fireworks violation at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach on Healdsburg Avenue. Unable to Locate.
9:31 p.m. Disturbance at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Avenue.
6:38 a.m. Reckless driver on Highway 101. Transferred caller to CHP. Referred to other agency.
4:37 p.m. Health code violation (mask) on Grove Street.
6:36 p.m. Vandalism to vehicle on Healdsburg Avenue. Caller states that suspect placed water bottles with gas and bamboo inside of them on top and underneath his vehicle that left damage to his vehicle.

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