Sunday, April 2
12:25am. Burglary on East St. Reporting Party (RP) states she woke up to a female inside her house, unknown if she is still inside. RP sees 2 females walking in front of the house. “RP states people live above her house. The RP is in the living room with her family. RP thinks maybe it was a mistake by the people who live upstairs.”
12:43pm. Vandalism to vehicle at March Ave./Lupine Rd. Report of a subject that felt dizzy and is laying on the ground. Subject is described as an adult male in a red shirt and jeans. Officers responded and made contact with the 39-year-old male victim, who declined medical but was arrested for vandalism.
3:12pm. RP calling to advise that there is a subject sleeping in the men’s bathroom at Gibbs Park. Subject is described as an adult male wearing red associated with a small dog and a large bag. When officers responded he had left the building.
5:42pm. At Powell Ave., a vehicle was stopped for impeding the flow of traffic, and a 49-year-old male was arrested and transported to county jail for driving under the influence, driving with an open container, providing false identification, driving with a suspended license and two outstanding Sonoma County warrants.
6:32pm. Two people were reported arguing with a worker at Jerry’s Valero on Dry Creek Rd. RP stated if the subjects are located they would like them trespassed. Subjects were gone on arrival.
6:34pm. RP calling to report that an unwanted subject is at Healdsburg Fire Department asking for tools. RP would like the subject moved along. Officer responded, subject will be moving along.
7:53pm. Unwanted subject on W North St. An old acquaintance of the RP’s girlfriend will not leave the property. Nothing has been physical, the subject is just recording the RP. The RP’s girlfriend has asked him to leave, but he’s refusing to do so. Officers responded, asked subject to leave, he obliged.
Monday, April 3
4:46am. Petty theft reported on Sunnyvale Dr. RP thinks his neighbor stole his knitted blanket from off his fence. RP cannot prove it and doesn’t want to press charges, but wants it documented.
3:34pm. Ongoing theft of wine from Oakville Grocery on Matheson St. with suspect on video. Report taken.
9:04pm. Officer initiated activity at Carl’s Jr led to the arrest of a 37-year-old man on charges of providing a false identification, possession of methamphetamines and paraphernalia. He was also subject to two Sonoma County warrants on similar charges. He was transported to county jail.
Tuesday, April 4
1:52am. A vehicle was pulled over for unsafe lane changes at Healdsburg Ave./Lytton Springs Rd. A 36-year-old male arrested for possession of cocaine, possession of burglary tools, possession of drug paraphernalia and providing false ID, and a 29-year-old male was arrested for conspiracy to commit a crime, possession of burglary tools and driving without a license. Both subjects transported to county jail.
10:56am. Drug activity at Healdsburg High School on Prince Ave., juvenile in office for using vape pen on campus. Student was cooperative and referred to diversion.
11:51am. Petty theft at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. Theft of sandwich just occurred, store will press charges. Suspect is a 20-30 year-old male, wearing a gray T-shirt and jeans. Left parking lot southbound on Healdsburg Ave. in a smaller black pickup truck, a plate check revealed a Nissan Frontier out of Rohnert Park.
4:45pm. A verbal disturbance was reported from Fairview Inn and Suites on Healdsburg Ave. by a RP, said he tried to check in at the above hotel and the woman checking him in was rude to him and they got in an argument. RP was calling for advice.
4:48pm. Fraud reported to police about lost wallet with credit cards and ID. RP noticed suspicious activity on his bank account. He has attempted to notify his bank but needs a police report.
5:04pm. Hit and run on Lincoln St., a woman reported she parked her vehicle around 10:45 this morning, and when she returned to it she noticed that it had been hit at some point with damage to the front driver’s side. Report taken.
5:08pm. Vandalism to vehicle reported by a woman that thinks her tires were slashed on W. North St. RP already had the vehicle towed but does have pictures and would like a report. Report taken.
Wednesday April 5
11:39am. Accident occurred on Healdsburg Ave. Semi v. van. No known injuries, property damage only. RP states that the semi was originally blocking the southbound lane; however, it appears that they are trying to move the vehicles out of the roadway into the Memorial Beach parking lot.
12:07pm. Reckless driver at Matheson St./First St. White minivan almost side-swiped RP as she was turning off of Memorial Bridge. RP provided plate. Driver described as an adult male, skinny, with backwards hat and white T-shirt. Officers responded to the area and were unable to locate (UTL).
2:02pm. Occurred at Healdsburg Airport And Aviation on Lytton Springs Rd. RP calling to report that a couple of unwanted subjects are in the “Safety Zone” of the tarmac, and they should not be there. The RP advised them to move along, and they are refusing because they are ultra-light pilots. Subjects described as two males, both wearing black shirts and dark colored pants, one is balding. RP would like law enforcement assistance moving them along. Officers responded, subjects were advised to contact City Hall to obtain proper permission for being on the premises.
Thursday April 6
12:35am. Public Intoxication at John And Zekes, Healdsburg Ave. Subjects are getting a ride home.
12:19pm. Hit and run accident at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. RP stated she was just in a non-injury collision, and the suspect backed into her. RP states they exchanged words, and while she was looking for a parking spot the suspect got into their vehicle and left. RP stated the suspect’s vehicle is a gold van company car but didn’t see the company name on it.
3:55pm. Disturbance reported at North St. parking lot via 911 call. RP states there is a physical altercation between 2 males. Suspect male was described as wearing yellow/black. While dispatch attempted to get further information, the RP stopped answering the dispatcher’s questions and ultimately disconnected. RP then called back, wondering where officers were. He stated to dispatch that he was injured and needed medical. He was advised officers were en route. Officers responded; no crime, no medical and all parties will move along.
9:18pm. Disturbance at Bells Ambulance on Powell Ave. RP is 3rd party and states one of her units witnessed a domestic argument from a white sedan going westbound. The witness stated it seemed physical between 2 people, she heard a female screaming, and the vehicle almost had a traffic collision at the stop sign. Officers responded; the vehicle was contacted, and it was a female solo occupant. She is upset and driving around/no crime.
Friday, April 7
11:04am. A disturbance occurred on Maxwell St. where a woman is yelling and screaming and won’t get out of the vehicle. Four people onboard: Grandmother, RP, 8-month-old baby and RP’s mother. Officers responded and contacted the vehicle’s passengers.
7:48pm. Hit and run accident reported at Carson Warner Skate Park. The suspect vehicle is driving away, and the RP is following, now going southbound on 101. Caller transferred to CHP. Medical was requested for complaint of back pain. The suspect driver has been drinking. A 39-year-old male was arrested for driving under the influence and misdemeanor hit-and-run. He was released to a responsible party.
Saturday, April 8
12:32am. Officer initiated activity at Wicked Slush, Healdsburg Ave. A 60-year-old male was cited and released for misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine and paraphernalia.
7:02am. Vandalism reported at Harmon Guest House on Healdsburg Ave. A guest who stayed last night was a disturbance all evening. RP stated there may be damage in the guest’s room, but the RP doesn’t know extent of damage. Female adult left on foot south on Healdsburg Ave., gray curly hair, gray sweater and purple shorts. RP said she has paid for her stay, but there may be additional charges. Responded and located the suspect in a vehicle nearby. A 68-year-old woman was cited for petty vandalism and released at the scene.
7:58am. Hit and run accident occurred on University St. RP’s vehicle was hit some time last night. Officer responded and contacted the RP; report taken.
10:42am. Unwanted subject at H2Hotel on Healdsburg Ave. Same female from earlier is back on the property and she is at the front door. She was asked to leave by staff and she is not leaving. The female is making statements that someone stole her laptop, phone and credit cards. Officers responded; female was requesting medical for foot pain. Bells transported the female to Healdsburg District Hospital.
11:20am. Defrauding an innkeeper at Hotel Trio on Dry Creek Rd. RP is a front desk associate. A guest is attempting to leave without paying their bill of over $1,000. Another employee went up to the room and overheard the two guests yelling to each other about leaving. RP stated the room key has been deactivated and the guests will not be able to get back into the room. The subjects have also been smoking marijuana in the room, which is prohibited. Officers responded and contacted the RP. Possible suspect associated with a white Corolla, and a 2nd subj (unknown if male or female). Report taken.
7:36pm. Unwanted subject at Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Ave. RP states vehicle parked for numerous hours. RP took photos of the vehicle as instructed by the RP’s boss. The RP received offensive words from the female. RP states it is a private lot with no trespass signs and the RP is requesting the female to be told to leave. Officers responded. The female is waiting for AAA to jump her vehicle and then she will leave the area.
9:21pm. Vehicle burglary reported at St Johns Church on Matheson St. At 7:40pm, the RP left his “wiener dog” in the vehicle, and now he discovered it missing. RP states there are no signs of a break-in and the vehicle was locked. RP states the only other person who has access to the vehicle is his wife. RP spoke to his wife, and she stated she did not take the dog from the vehicle. RP wants to press charges for burglary. Detective responded, report taken. The RP called back when he arrived home, to report his dog was home. RP believes his wife put the dog there.