Monday, May 1
2:20am. Accident occurred at Redwood Hwy./Westside Rd. Officers responded and located the accident. CHP on scene.
11:58am. Petty theft at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. Subject put a bottle of alcohol in his pocket and is walking around the store. Subject described as an adult male wearing a white hoodie, blue jeans, approx. mid 20s. Officers responded and contacted the subject inside the store, removed all items from his pockets and escorted him from the property.
4:43pm. Harassment on Powell Ave. RP (Reporting Party) called stating that people have been following him, lying and taking his things for the past few years and “messing” with him. An officer spoke with RP via telephone and provided advice.
Tuesday, May 2
1:50am. Officer initiated activity at Redwood Hwy./Lytton Springs Rd. Vehicle was stopped for following another vehicle too closely. The driver, a 39-year-old female, was cited for driving on a suspended license.
12:22pm. Accident occurred at Fincher’s Auto Service on Healdsburg Ave. Box truck vs. brown Corolla, both pulled to the side of the road. Appears one individual is limping. Parts in roadway. Fire and medical requested, precautionary.
1:34pm. Unwanted subject at Healdsburg District Hospital on University Ave. Unruly patient in ER kicking and hitting staff, hospital wanting to press charges. Brought in for altered mental status. Officers responded. Subject was originally arrested, then taken to Sutter and left in medical staff’s care due to hold previously placed.
3:07pm. Burglary to vehicle at Ramey Wine Cellars on Haydon St. Vehicle broken into sometime in past couple of hours. Passenger window smashed, handbook and binoculars taken from vehicle.
4:43pm. Disturbance at 700 block of Healdsburg Ave. RP has been hearing a male and female voice yelling at each other for approx. 10 minutes but unable to determine where the voices are coming from. Officers responded, father and son in an argument.
5:03pm. Annoying/harassing phone calls at Healdsburg Police Department on Center St. RP is receiving calls from a specific number day and night. He has attempted to block the number; however, it continues to call. Officer responded and provided RP with advice.
5:32pm. Skimming device found on ATM at Bank of America on Healdsburg Ave. ATM technician is on site requesting PD to take possession of device.
Wednesday, May 3
2:58am. Officer initiated activity at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd. A 51-year-old male was arrested, pre-booked at the PD and transported to CJ for possession of drug paraphernalia and multiple Sonoma County warrants on charges including grand theft, receiving stolen property, possession of methamphetamines or other narcotics, and conspiracy to commit a crime.
Thursday, May 4
1:16am. Officer initiated activity at a private driveway, Healdsburg Ave./Lytton Springs Rd., led to the arrest of a 22-year-old male on charges of resisting an officer, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, driving under the influence and with an alcohol blood level of .08% or above. He was transported to county jail.
7:06am. Burglary to vehicle at Parkpoint Health and Swim Club on Foss Creek Cir. RP is 3rd party with limited info. 5 minutes ago, someone witnessed someone walk into the lot, break a window, take items from the vehicle and run off on foot. Description: male, unknown age, unknown height, camo jacket and black pants. Officers responded, report taken and units advised to be on the lookout for the suspect.
Friday, May 5
10:27am. Vehicle tampering at Russian River Covered RV Storage. RP wants to report catalytic converter theft that he discovered on April 11. RP states on that day the gate was discovered by the manager to be breached. RP last saw his cat conv 3 weeks prior to the 11th, but thinks it occurred on the night before April 11 due to the breach.
Saturday, May 6
9:20am. Grand theft occurred at Safeway on Vine St. RP states someone broke into the liquor glass cabinet by entering the code and stole alcohol. Value: over $1,000. There is surveillance and the security dept. has suspect info. Officer responded, report taken.
11:44am. Unwanted subject at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Rd. RP states there is a female “freaking out,” crying and refusing to leave past her check-out time. Negative known weapons, drugs or alcohol. Officers responded, the female vacated the room and was verbally trespassed. Dispatch awaiting trespass paperwork.
2:52pm. Disturbance on Vine St. RP states there is a female yelling at cars or passersby. She is not going towards anyone. Now she is screaming while sitting on the curb. 2nd RP states female screaming walking SB on Vine from W. North. Officers responded, suspect was advised of the complaint.
5:15pm. Officer initiated activity at Railroad Park, Front St. A 27-year-old man was cited on a Sonoma County misdemeanor warrant on possession of marijuana above the legal amount and public intoxication.
9:46pm. Public intoxication at Studio Barndiva on Center St. A male who had been drinking was asked to leave and is refusing/verbally resisting to leave. Identified as 40s, tall, pink shirt, gray pants, spiky hair. Staff has him outside, but he’s uncooperative. Officers responded and were advised the subject left on foot northbound toward the square.
10:31pm. At Studio Barndiva on Center St., the same intoxicated male from earlier is back trying to return to the wedding and causing a disturbance. Officers responded, subject was contacted and got a ride home.
Sunday, May 7
8:58 am. Officer initiated warrant service at Fitch St. A 49-year-old male was arrested and transported to county jail on two warrants for driving under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or greater, providing false identification, driving with a suspended license, driving with an open container and domestic violence.
11:01pm. Assault with a deadly weapon occurred at Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Ave. A Spanish-speaker reported some kind of altercation with a knife. Officers responded, medical requested with code 2 response (lights and siren). Officer checked the area. Victim did not want to press charges.
11:45pm. A 29-year-old male was stopped for a license plate violation at Hudson St. He was arrested, prebooked at the PD and transported to county jail for driving under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or greater.