52.1 F
February 12, 2025

Florence Reyes

Guerneville native Florence (Ruffino) Reyes, 90, died on Nov. 25

In Memoriam

David W. Trask Jr.

Gerald Neal Nicholas – Beloved family man

Gerald Neal Nicholas, 74, passed away June 27, 2007 in Santa

Annemarie Bucher

Born November 3, 1933, in the small town of Inwil, Switzerland, Annemarie Stuber-Bucher grew up loving to ride her bike, ice skate, sew, sing, play the guitar and mandolin, and perform in theater. Her father was the postmaster of the region, so she grew...

Rebecca Salazar

Rebecca L. Salazar died on Dec. 30 in her Sebastopol home. She

Joanie Wendell – Loving mother and wife

Joanie Wendell, 61, passed away in Santa Rosa on July 4, 2004.

Jesse “Jaye” Clark – artist

Jesse Clark passed away on November 26, 2002 at Santa Rosa

Charla Backlund Brunton – Musical director, Sunday school teacher

Charla Backlund Brunton, age 94 years, passed away peacefully in

Michael David Ciapusci

Michael David Ciapusci (Dave) passed on January 6, 2019 while duck hunting. Cause of death was an acute myocardial infarction, type 3. He was 68 years old.

Dixie Lee Drew (Mrs. Ralph E. Wiley, 83, of Sebastopol, died of a stroke on Feb. 12.

Born in San Francisco, she lived in the Bay Area until 2001 when