Guadalupe G. Hernandez – Loved music and family
Guadalupe G. Hernandez, age 77, was born in Brownsville, Texas.
Grace Bridgeman – Loved going dancing and tending to her garden
Grace Bridgeman, 92, passed away peacefully on Nov. 7, 2007. She
C.H. “Barney” Barnard – Memorial to be held Saturday, Feb. 16
C.H. “Barney” Barnard passed away at his home in Healdsburg on
Ellen Jane Gilbert, Native of Ohio, never forgot anyone’s birthday
Ellen Jane Gilbert, 88, died peacefully at her Healdsburg home
Irene L. Ingebritson – Memorial services this Friday in Santa Rosa
Irene L. Ingebritson died on June 15, 2008 at her home in Santa
Charles “C.B.” Dial – Army veteran and avid fisherman
Charles C.B. Dial died Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at his home in