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Party has strayed
EDITOR: Indivisible does indeed promote a progressive agenda across all political parties, as Judy Voigt recommends in her Feb. 22 letter to the editor. Many in our group lobby Republican legislators on issues we care about. Speaking personally as a lifelong progressive, I have supported and voted for Republican candidates in the past, such as Connecticut Senator Lowell Weicker.
Another Republican, Abraham Lincoln, is the author of what many consider to be the progressive credo: “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Unfortunately, the Republican party under Trump has strayed far from those principles, which is why Indivisible’s electoral affinities tend to break along party lines. Progressives haven’t left the Republican party; the Republican party has left progressive ideals behind.
Maria Behan
Indivisible Healdsburg
‘Green Hair Day’ March 17
EDITOR: The popular Healdsburg St. Patrick’s Day Parade returns on Saturday, March 17 and the Healdsburg Rotary clubs are getting involved, for the eighth year in a row.
One way to get involved is to sponsor a Rotary member who will dye his/her hair green and march in the parade. The second way is dye your own hair, a family member’s hair or your pet’s. Rotary staff will be on hand to help. A minimum donation of $10 is requested for dying your hair. All donations will benefit the eradication of polio worldwide and will be matched two for one by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Stop by Costeaux Bakery on Healdsburg Avenue starting at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 17 to get your hair dyed green or just watch the fun. Then, “Wear The Green” proudly by marching in the parade, which kicks off at 7 a.m. Often called “the best and shortest” St. Patrick’s Parade anywhere.
Both Rotary clubs in Healdsburg actively support the greater Healdsburg community through grants to local nonprofit organizations. Learn more about Rotary Club of Healdsburg Noon at healdsburgrotary.org and Rotary Club of Healdsburg Sunrise at rotaryclubofhealdsburgsunrise.org
Mel Schatz
Witty and smart
EDITOR: I highly recommend the current Raven Players production, “I Only Have Ives For You,” running through March 11. It’s a witty, smart comedy, or rather a series of short comedies. To enhance the theatrical experience, pick up a copy of the Players’ mini-magazine, “The Raven Speaks,” for the back story on the play(s).
Jane St. Claire