Missing a mirror?
EDITOR: Open letter to the driver of the red car that sideswiped an elderly 80-year-old bike rider on University between Matheson and Tucker, knocking him to the ground, breaking his helmet, causing a concussion, left arm and leg bruises and a cracked pelvis:
The police have saved the mirror. Please stop by to pick it up.
Jack Salzgeber (the elder)
Delicious, nutritious lunch
EDITOR: The Healdsburg Senior Center offers a thoughtfully prepared, fresh wholesome and tasty lunch weekly for the bargain price of $4 for seniors over 60 or $6.50 for guests under 60. Coffee is 25 cents and lunch is served from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. during the week.
The weekly menus are posted outside the front door to the senior center on Matheson Street. The meals are made to order; the first course is a starter salad, entrees might include seared fish, baby spinach, brown rice, veggie loaf with pasta and vegetables, beef and broccoli stir fry with rice, toasted turkey sandwich with soup of the day or large bowl of soup with parmesan crostini, pizza. There are communal tables and it’s a nice opportunity to meet your neighbors. Please share this resource with friends and neighbors.
A special thanks to Healdsburg’s Downtown Bakery & Creamery and Taste of Tea for their generous donations of baked goods and tea.
This is a vibrant senior center.
Bonny Lawrence

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