Faith in public education
EDITOR: I read the June 21 article about accusations of tracking and racism in the elementary school. I was disheartened to hear about these struggles, but I have faith in the current school district to sort out what is best for the children with the help from the community. I believe in public education. It is a place where we can build bridges and break down walls. It takes a village and work.
Cathy Mihalik
Elder reflections
EDITOR: Being a member of “the elder community,” I am touched that Erin Gore is concerned about my convenient access to marijuana (“Healdsburg not ready to allow cannabis outlets,” June 28). You know, us old folks “are not as mobile” as we once were. Back in the ‘60s we were spry enough find it when we wanted it. However, I’m thinking that her altruism is disingenuous. Her vision might be clouded by thoughts of profit. Frankly, we really don’t need a “hooter haven” in downtown Healdsburg. There might be space available in our industrial zones, if the city is interested in revenue this might generate.
Glenn Grigg
Foster bike usage
EDITOR: Healdsburg can create less traffic by encouraging biking and walking. To foster bike usage, add multiple bike racks on an expanded pedestrian area by removing plaza parking at the west side of Center Street.
Ted Calvert
Go see Shrek
EDITOR: Last Sunday we attended the latest production by the Raven Players, “Shrek, The Musical.” The theater was filled with families with children. We settled down, preparing to watch the lighthearted story of the gentle ogre, wise cracking donkey and obstinate princess. The live band captured my ears, nice sounds, a bit overpowering sometimes, but professional quality.
The cast members, from the leads down to the stage crew, were superb. Costuming, sets, lighting were all outstanding. And the dance choreography was really over the top. But the thing that really grabbed us was how relevant this play is to our present social situations. We were struck by the injustice that comes from judging people before you know them. Shrek certainly has that problem, as does Donkey and Princess Fiona. There is a reference to building a wall that spoke to us also. The play is a fun trip with many laughs, but the underlying message is one of loving, realizing that we should be supporting and encouraging others. We all have feelings and want to be treated with respect. Good message!
“Shrek, The Musical” is in its final week and will play, July 6, 7, and 8, at the Raven. We encourage you to see it.
Lew and Elaine Sbrana
A home run for youth
EDITOR: The Healdsburg City Council recently adopted a new budget with a huge change benefiting our youth. The sports field user fee of $24 per player was deleted for both Healdsburg Little League and the Healdsburg Bulldogs. I would like to thank the Parks and Recreation Commission, city staff, and our city council in helping the youth of our community. I want to especially recognize our City Manager, David Mickaelian and our Community Services Director, Mark Themig.
The elimination of the youth sports user fee does not cost our citizens a dime, and it does not come out of the general fund. The Community Services Department is supported by the Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) paid by visitors to Healdsburg who stay in the city’s hotels, inns, and bed and breakfasts. This is a great example of leveraging the TOT for recreational opportunities for our children.
By making registration affordable for families, we are preserving an important aspect of our small town character — youth sports. Thank you to all the supporters of Healdsburg Little League including our sponsors, volunteers and Healdsburg families.
Play ball!
Jeff Civian
President, Healdsburg Little League

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