New leadership
EDITOR: Now that we have a new mayor (Mayor Mansell) all this unnecessary and wasteful spending of taxpayer monies will hopefully stop. For example, fees of $450,000 for the study of Healdsburg Avenue from Powell Avenue north. Then there are thousands of dollars paid for consultant fees with no known results, such as parking in the downtown area and affordable housing.
Six hundred thousand dollars was spent for the new wing to city hall, was this really a necessary addition? Then there’s the additional $1 million-plus for the roundabout. And, what’s with the rocks placed on the corners of Piper Street at Johnson and Prince? How does this help the locals that live here all year round?
To the city council members, city manager of Healdsburg, there’s no need to continue promoting tourism because they’re still coming. Let’s worry more about the important things such as locals that are leaving Healdsburg.
Ken Buchignani
The new Healdsburg
EDITOR: Regarding the possible rental of the empty store space between the Raven Theater and the toy shop on North Street to a gun shop and possible firing range, I have an additional good idea. How about leasing the plaza to another powerful rich industry, the oil drillers? We should replace those useless camellia bushes which bloom all winter with useful moneymaking wells. Yes, oil wells and guns — the new Healdsburg.
Renee Kiff
Healdsburg has gun owners
EDITOR: I just spent a delightful hour reading posts regarding a gun store opening in our quaint, humble hamlet. The citizens of Healdsburg are not shy about sharing their opinions with others. For those who constantly encourage everyone to “Shop Healdsburg,” it makes perfect sense for someone to open a gun store. There are lots of gun owners in Healdsburg and its surrounding valleys.
Additionally, it’s impossible for a tourist to purchase a gun while one’s spouse/partner/friend is wine tasting and walk out of the store with it on the same day; background checks are the law in Sonoma County and take weeks. Never fear, the only objects in our tourists hands as they open their cars to return home or their hotel rooms will be their empty wine glasses.
It’s also virtually impossible for any citizen of Sonoma County to have a conceal and carry permit. Friends, guns don’t kill people; people kill people.
Brent Mortensen
Join the chorus
EDITOR: The Healdsburg Chorus begins rehearsals in January for its 30th anniversary concerts. New and returning members can join at any of the first rehearsals: Jan. 8, 15, and 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Healdsburg Community Church, 1100 University Avenue, Healdsburg.
If you love to sing, now is your chance to join a fun group of singers of all ages and abilities. The concerts, “30 Years & Still Groovin’ – Popular, Classical, Classics” will be held in April in Healdsburg and in Santa Rosa. For more information, visit or call Janet at 495-5620.
Janet Ziedrich
Gun control proponent
EDITOR: Like most physicians I know, I am a strong proponent of strong gun control, for many reasons. The person who wants to open this shop says he will have education for home defense with firearms. But that is where evidence-based studies have found that having a gun makes you much more likely to get shot or killed yourself.
First, if you are carrying a gun, you are 4.2 times more likely to be killed than if you are not carrying. (from American Journal of Public Health). In right-to-carry states, there is a 13-15 percent increase in violent crimes compared to non-carry states. (Stanford). And suicide is 3-5 times higher if there is a firearm in the house.
So having a gun is not protective, it actually increases risk of death and injury. I suggest anyone who questions this simply Google: “Does having a gun protect me or hurt me?” Make sure what you read is backed up by evidence and scientific research, not just opinion.
Dave Anderson MD

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