Check your BP
EDITOR: Another reason to keep your blood pressure low: prevention of Alzheimer’s.
A very recent and well designed medical study showed that keeping your blood pressure reading at about 120/80 or lower reduced the incidence of Alzheimer’s by 15 percent, compared to levels of 135/90.
This is hailed as a very significant finding, and now that low reading is where I want my blood pressure to be. The 120/80 blood pressure goal is obtainable by following your doctor’s orders, taking your medicine, losing weight, reducing salt intake, etc.
I must state that, as you get older, if the blood pressure gets too low, you can get dizzy and fall as you stand up. Don’t increase your blood pressure medicine on your own. Talk to your doctor.
David Anderson MD
Thanks from investors
EDITOR: Thank you, Rollie, for putting our Healdsburg Tribune, through your editorial last week, in the company of some 350 other papers across the nation in defending freedom of the press, the invaluable service of journalists such as your staff and the irreplaceable role that such papers play in the life of our communities.
We say “our” Tribune because we now have the privilege of being “investors (literally) in our hometown paper” and we are grateful for that opportunity. We urge our friends and all Tribune readers to join us as investors (see the details at in underwriting the improvements, expanded services, and — not least — professional salaries for a group of journalists who labor so hard for the good of our community.
It is no exaggeration to say that a community without a vigorous hometown paper will not thrive, and that therefore we citizens of Healdsburg owe a great deal to you. Nor will the Bill of Rights be much more than a piece of paper unless it is defended by the newspapers of the country. Thank you.
Kathryn and Dave Henderson
Got sing?
EDITOR: Come and sing with the Healdsburg Community Chorus for our 30th anniversary season. We are always looking for new members to join our 60-plus community chorus. No audition is necessary and it’s not necessary that you read music. We rehearse every Monday evening, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Healdsburg Community Church, 1100 University St., Healdsburg. We will accept new members during the first three rehearsals of the season: August, 27, September 3, September 10. Come join us. For further information go to or email [email protected].
Hillary Kambour
Post-fire gratitude
EDITOR: Our deepest gratitude to all the firefighters/responders to the recent fire on Westside Road. These professionals jumped in illustrating their years of training and dedication to their service. The incredible response and quick action saved our home and neighboring homes. There are no words to say it adequately — thank you.
Also thank you to our neighbors, DaVero winery for providing us refuge and James Gore and Dustin St Clair for your on site moral support.
Lenny and Debbie Siegel

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