Students of the leadership class from Healdsburg Junior High present their raised funds for the Humane Society of Sonoma County.

Every year, Healdsburg Junior High’s (HJH) leadership class plans a fundraiser to benefit a local Healdsburg organization. This year, students decided to raise money for local animals in need — they raised roughly $1,000. Bethany Carlson, guidance counselor at the junior high, said students chose to start a monthlong school-wide coin drive for the Humane Society of Sonoma County in Healdsburg.
“We made it a school-wide competition, with all fourth period classes competing to see which class could bring in the most money. Our winning class brought in $300 and received a donut party, compliments of our leadership class,” Carlson said.
Principal Chris Miller said he was proud of the students for taking the time to plan and participate in the drive.
“I am grateful for the generosity they demonstrated for such a worthy cause,” Miller said.
Eighth grade student Fia Huebel said she has donated to the Humane Society in the past and felt the need to help again.
“Every year HJH does a fundraiser of some kind and this year there was a high demand for an animal-related fundraiser. I have donated to the Sonoma County Humane Society in the past and they were so grateful, I figured why not give them more to help the animals who need a little more help than others,” Huebel said.
For seventh grader Katelyn Filben, her reason to help was because animals deserve better.
“I don’t want animals to starve or be put down because they aren’t wanted and if they have no home, I want to make them comfortable and help them in any way possible,” she said.

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