Final Days
The popular “Modeling Healdsburg” exhibit from woodworker Jon Lacaillade at the Healdsburg Museum will end its held-over run on Sunday, June 2. The museum is open Wednesday-Sunday, 11am to 4pm, at 221 Matheson St.
Barrel Room
Final show in the Barrel Room at Hudson St. Wineries is Friday, May 31. Enjoy the venue finale with Adults In the Room and the Hudson Street All-Stars. From 5-8pm, $5 cover; food from Fogbelt and paella available. Located at 428 Hudson St., at Front Street.
Cloverdale Friday
Roots-rock reggae from Soul Horizon on May 31 at Friday Night Live in Cloverdale continues the town tradition. Street fair starts at 6pm, music from 7-9pm, at the Cloverdale Plaza.
Coyote Den
Sonoma County band Court ’n’ Disaster sounds off their latest collection, The Devil Made Me Do It, on Friday, May 31. On Saturday, June 1, Glory Dayz with former ShaNaNa frontman Frankie Adel hits the stage at 7:30pm. Coyote Sonoma, 44F Mill St., coyotesonoma.com.
Elephant Music
Solorio plays Americana on Friday, May 31, at Elephant in the Room starting at 8pm. The Elephant is at 177 Healdsburg Ave. Usually $10. Elephantintheroompub.com.
Farmers’ Market
The Saturday Healdsburg Farmers’ Market gets underway in the West Plaza parking lot this Saturday, June 1, from 8:30am to noon.
Tasting Room
Spicy Vines welcomes its Saturday afternoon tasters with live music from a variety of genres. Tumbleweed Soul rolls into town on Saturday, June 1, from 3-6pm, at 441 Healdsburg Ave.
Cats Art Show
“Cats and their Women” is the theme of the newest show at the Upstairs Art Gallery, in the back of Levin & Co. at 306 Healdsburg Ave. Artists’ reception on Saturday, June 1, 3-6pm, with Phyllis Rapp and Linda Barretta. The show continues until June 30.
Jazz in Song
Vocalist Stella Heath and friends perform at Furthermore Wines on Saturday, June 1. 6-8pm, no cover, 328A Healdsburg Ave.
Jazz Nova
Brazilian jazz, American standard gems, classical and pop from pianist Stephanie Ozer, accompanied by Peter Barshay and Kendrick Freeman. It’s Saturday, June 1, at the Spirit Bar, Hotel Healdsburg from 6-9pm. No cover, partial Dry Creek Kitchen menu available. 25 Matheson St.
Sousa and Salsa
The Healdsburg Community Band delivers their annual concert in the Healdsburg Plaza on Sunday, June 2. Gary Johnson conducts a program of marches, Hollywood tunes, folk songs and Latin dance music for brass band. It’s free and fun, starting at 1pm.
City Council
Regular meeting of the Healdsburg City Council, begins at 6pm. Among the matters on the agenda is council discussion and direction on a ballot measure on the Growth Management Ordinance. 401 Grove St.
Plaza Tuesday
El Grupo Café Canela spices up the Gazebo stage and Tuesday night picnickers on Tuesday, June 4, following the Tuesday morning Farmers’ Market on Plaza and Center streets.
Community Meeting
The City and the Sonoma County Transportation Authority invite anyone interested in biking, walking or travel by mobility device, for transportation or recreation, to take part in an Active Transportation Community Meeting on Wednesday, June 5, at the Community Center. This is the first round of outreach in developing a Healdsburg Active Transportation Plan. 5:30-7:30pm, at 1557 Healdsburg Ave.
Be Prepared
Wildfire Safety Webinar for customers in Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino counties on Wednesday, June 5, at 5:30pm. Join virtually to hear Regional Vice President Dave Canny and other members of PG&E safety team. For information, visit www.pge.com/webinars.
Opening Day
The boys of summer are back in town – the Healdsburg Prune Packers open their season on Wednesday, June 5, at Rec Park. Pack fan Mayor David Hagele throws out the first Pitch, 6pm.
Blues on the Green
Down Highway 101, Windsor’s Summer Nights on the Green goes “young country” with Dustin Saylor, on Thursday, June 6. Farmers’ Market 5pm, music 6-8pm.
Second Story
Singer, songwriter and luthier Ana Egge plays the Second Story stage on Thursday, June 6. Lucinda Williams called her “the folk Nina Simone.” Upstairs at Little Saint, 25 North St., www.littlesainthealdsburg.com.
Mozart’s Piano
Daniel Adam Maltz demonstrates the technical and emotional range of the fortepiano, the keyboard instrument that Mozart knew. Sunday, June 9, at 2pm at the Raven Performing Arts Theater, 115 North St. Tickets from $35 VIP, $25 general, $10 student (plus ticket fees) online at raventheater.org or at the door if available.
Post events on the Tribune’s online calendar at healdsburgtribune.com/calendar and send special announcements to ed****@he***************.com.