Sheriff’s Town Hall
On Thursday, June 29, Sonoma County Sheriff Eddie Engram will update the community in an informal town-hall style meeting at Alexander Valley Hall, 5512 Hwy. 128. It’s an event with no agenda, though the sheriff will give an introductory update to kick off the 5:30-7pm meeting.
Raven Players
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat plays at the Raven Theater from June 30-July 16, various dates and times. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, the play is a reimagining of the biblical story of Joseph and his brethren. Visit raventheater.org for times, dates and tickets.
Summer Music
The Blues Burners open Coyote Sonoma’s Summer Music Series on Friday, June 30, from 6-8:30pm. Table reservation $20 (food vendor is The Spot), standing room free. For details and ticket links, visit coyotesonoma.com.
Farmers’ Market
Healdsburg Certified Farmers’ Market will be held from 8:30am-noon at the West Plaza lot on Saturday, July 1. Live music and lots to shop for from local producers.
Courtyard Music
Bacchus Landing offers free live music in their expansive courtyard on the first Saturday of the month, which is July 1 this month. Wine will be available from their seven wineries, and wood-fired pizza will be available from The Market. 14210 Bacchus Landing Way, noon-4pm.
Stars and Stripes
Opening reception on Saturday, July 1, 3-6pm, of a new exhibition from 14 local artists who explore the flag’s complex symbolism and significance. Exhibit continues through Aug. 5 at Hammerfriar Gallery, 132 Mill St., hammerfriar.com.
Tuesday at the Plaza
Certified Farmers’ Market from 9am-12:30pm, Tuesday, July 4, at Healdsburg Plaza. This week only it will be on the Matheson Street side of the Plaza. There will be no Tuesday Night Music on this date due to other City events.
Fourth of July
Several special City events scheduled this day, including a Kids Parade and Duck Dash from 10am to 1pm on Center Street with music, games and free lemonade. The annual 4th of July Fireworks from 9:30-10pm. Viewing at Fitch Mountain Elementary School, Healdsburg High and throughout the neighborhood.
Thursday Funnies
Real live standup comedians do their thing at Furthermore Wines on this month’s first Thursday, July 6, starting at 7pm, at 328A Healdsburg Ave. (Note that their comedy night was previously first Sunday. No joke.)
Indie Rock
Jonny Fritz brings his Dad Country discoveries to Little Saint (25 North St.), usually on Thursdays at 7pm. On July 6 see Izaak Opatz, free.
Meters Tribute
Meter Maid, a tribute band for New Orleans’ legendary The Meters, plays Friday, July 7 at Elephant in the Room, 177 Healdsburg Ave., 8pm.
Taco Fest
Not all the fun is in Healdsburg. Windsor’s 2nd annual Taco Fest and Car Show is Saturday, July 8, from 3-8pm at the Town Green. Acompañanos para tacos deliciosos, autos clásicos, música en vivo ranchera, y buena gente.