Raven Players
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Raven Theater continues through July 16, various dates and times. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, the play is a reimagining of the biblical story of Joseph and his brethren. Visit raventheater.org for schedule and tickets.
Indie Rock
Jonny Fritz brings his Dad Country discoveries to Little Saint (25 North St.), usually on Thursdays at 7pm. On July 6, see Izaak Opatz, free.
Meters Tribute
Meter Made, a tribute band for New Orleans’ legendary The Meters, plays Friday, July 7 at Elephant in the Room, 177 Healdsburg Ave., 8pm.
Farmers’ Market
Healdsburg Certified Farmers’ Market will be held Saturday, July 8 from 8:30am-noon at the West Plaza lot. Live music and lots to shop for from local producers.
Wine Road
Hit the wine road for this one-day Summer Wine Trail event featuring Alexander Valley, Westside Road and Dry Creek. $50 ticket buys tastings at over 40 area wineries suited to summer weather. Saturday, July 8, 11am-4pm only, at wineroad.com.
Taco Fest
Not all the fun is in Healdsburg. Windsor’s 2nd annual Taco Fest and Car Show is Saturday, July 8, from 3-8pm at the Town Green. Acompañanos para tacos deliciosos, autos clásicos, música en vivo ranchera, y buena gente.
Sunday in the Plaza
Listen to Drew Harrison’s Americana music from the Gazebo stage while experiencing the relaxing picnic atmosphere of the Healdsburg Plaza, from 1 to 3pm on Sunday, July 9.
Tuesday at the Plaza
Certified Farmers’ Market from 9am-12:30pm, Tuesday, July 11, at Healdsburg Plaza. At 6pm, the Gazebo and Plaza are taken over by Wreckless Strangers and their Americana soul.

Bubble Bar
The city’s Planning Commission meets on Tuesday, July 11. The commission is slated to discuss an application to convert the business at 134 North St. to a tasting lounge. Check the city’s website for final agenda five days before the meeting. 401 Grove St., 6pm.
Day of Rest
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will screen the movie Sabbath, on Thursday, July 13 at 7pm. Filmmaker Martin Doblmeier explores the secular benefits of the “day of rest.” 209 Matheson St.
SIP Healdsburg
Songwriters in Paradise, a high-concept retreat also held in Napa and Cabo San Lucas, comes to Healdsburg this year between July 18-22. A limited number of tickets for premium wine selection, VIP lunch and dinner, and intimate concerts make this an “exclusive boutique songwriters festival,” according to its organizers. Information and ticket links at songwritersinparadise.com/siphbg.
Guitar Guru
Leo Kottke, an acoustic guitarist with a modest yet avid following since 1969, returns to the Raven Theater on Friday, July 21. His fingerpicking style draws on blues, folk and jazz, and his singing voice has been likened to the migration call of geese. Tickets still available at raventheater.org.
Cycle Tour
Formerly known as the Annual Healdsburg Bicycle Tour, Giro Vigneti Healdsburg from Sunrise Rotary is held out of Mill District starting at 6:30am on Saturday, July 22. The “health and wellness cycling tour” offers four distance routes, from 19.3 to 102.5 miles, all through the landscapes of the wine country. Sign up at girovignetihealdsburg.org.
GHG Open House
The City of Healdsburg has been developing a Climate Mobilization Strategy focusing on key measures and actions that will be most impactful in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. An Open House will be held Wednesday, July 26, from 6-7:30pm at the Healdsburg Community Center, 1557 Healdsburg Ave.