“Vroom! Toys on the Go,” this year’s holiday exhibition at Healdsburg Museum, features toy vehicles collected by the late Steve Castelli and a model train display from Wayne Padd. Continues only through Jan. 19 and definitely worth a visit, Wednesdays through Sundays, 11am to 4pm. 221 Matheson St.
Pizza Week
We’re taking a slice from other area weeklies like the Bohemian and the Pacific Sun, and digging into some deep-dish (or thin-crust) pizza. Through Sunday, Jan. 19, area restaurants will craft specialty pizzas in Marin, Napa and Sonoma counties, which can mean they can use just about any kind of crust at all. See the list of Healdsburg-area pizzerias at northbaypizzaweek.com.
Thursday, Jan. 9
Jimmy Carter
The federal government is closed on Thursday, Jan. 9, for a national day of mourning for Jimmy Carter on the day of his funeral. The 29th president died Dec. 30 at the age of 100.
Jean Renoir
The great Italian actor Anna Magnani, the commedia dell’arte and the music of Vivaldi are the highlights of Jean Renoir’s The Golden Coach, called by Eric Rohmer “the Open Sesame of all Renoir’s work.” A movie about stage comedy in which all activity and all space becomes the theater. Thursday, 7pm, tickets free for students 18 and under, $20 general. 222 Healdsburg Ave., the222.org.
Saturday, Jan. 11
Lobby Jazz
Sonoma’s Stephanie Ozer brings back her trio to the Spirit Bar, with Peter Barshay on bass and Kendrik Freeman on drums. The pianist is known for her Brazilian repertoire, but is equally at home in jazz standards, classical and pop. Music 6-9pm, no cover, limited menu available, 25 Matheson St.
Tuesday, Jan. 14
Commission Meeting
The city’s Planning Commission meets Tuesday at 6pm to consider new and remodeling projects in town. Agenda should be available at the end of the preceding week. Starts 6pm, 401 Grant St. and online at healdsburg.gov/zoom.
Wednesday, Jan. 15
Weekly language “exchanges” at the Healdsburg Library, where learners of English or Spanish can practice with others in an informal, friendly atmosphere. Practique inglés o español y ayude a los demás que estén aprendiendo en un ambiente amable. Wednesdays at 4:30pm, at 1557 Healdsburg Ave., Room 4.
School Board
The Healdsburg Unified School District’s Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing for community comments and public testimony concerning the composition of potential trustee voting areas associated with the District’s transition to a by-trustee area election system. The hearing will be at 6:20pm in the HUSD trustees meeting on Jan. 15, 401 Grove St.
Thursday, Jan. 16
Districting Workshops
The first of two community workshops to learn about, discuss and share public feedback on the city’s transition to district elections will be held Jan. 16 at the Healdsburg Community Center, 1557 Healdsburg Ave., 6-7:30pm. These workshops are not the same as the “public hearings” the City Council is conducting as part of the official process. Language interpretation services will be provided. healdsburg.gov/1152/Transition-to-District-Elections.
Friday, Jan. 17
City Hall Closed
City offices and the development center will be closed on alternating Fridays throughout the year. Public Works and Building inspections will be available on the closed Fridays. Note: City offices will also be closed Monday, Jan. 20, for national holiday. Contact information at healdsburg.gov.
For additional New Year’s Eve and related events, see the accompanying article or visit the Calendar link at healdsburgtribune.com.