Senior Night
The league-leading Lady Greyhounds recognize their seniors at the season’s final home game on Thursday, Feb. 1. Opponent is St. Vincent de Paul (Petaluma), game time 7:30pm at Smith Robinson Gym, HHS. The boys senior night is Saturday, Feb. 3, against Ukiah.
Virginia Songbird
Lael Neale hails from the Commonwealth of Virginia, but has chosen to live in L.A. to pursue her musical career with Seattle-based Sub Pop Records. She continues her journey with an appearance in Healdsburg on Thursday, Feb. 1, at the Second Story, upstairs at Little Saint. 7pm, 25 North St.
Family Drama
Chimichangas and Zoloft continues its run at the Raven Theater until Sunday, Feb. 11. Friday and Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sunday matinees at 2pm. Tickets $10 students, $25 adults. Thursday, Feb. 1, is a pay-what-you-can performance. Curtain at 7:30pm, Raven Performing Arts Center, 115 North St.
City Hall Closed
City staff takes every other Friday off, so offices at 401 Grove St. will be closed on Feb. 2. Public Works and Building inspections will be available, call (707) 431-3346 to schedule.
Gypsy Jazz
The popular Django-styled jazz of Ian Scherer, Emily Froberg and Trevor Kinsell returns to Furthermore Wines on Saturday, Feb. 3, starting at 6pm. Free, at 328-A Healdsburg Ave.
Canadian Jazz
Pianist John Mackay and trio play jazz arrangements by some of Canada’s most illustrious songwriters—Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen and Gordon Lightfoot, with a sprinkling of other jazz standards and originals. Saturday, Feb. 3, at the Spirit Bar, Hotel Healdsburg, 25 Matheson St, 6-9pm, no cover.
Disco Dancing
You Should Be Dancing is the name of a disco-era tribute band coming to Coyote Sonoma on Saturday, Feb. 3. Even haters find themselves moving to the groove of these classic BeeGees sounds. Tickets $25 advance, $30 at the door, 44f Mill St, 8-10pm.
Crab Feed
It’s time for American Legion Post 111’s annual all-you-can-eat Crab Feed, Sunday, Feb. 3, at Villa Chanticleer. Call Nathan at (707) 615-2894 for tickets, $75.
The official groundbreaking event to commemorate the start of construction at the Foley Community Pavilion, the former Purity building, will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 6. The building will be open for a walk-through, and design images available for review. Noon, 25 North St.
City Council
The Healdsburg City Council’s next meeting is Monday, Feb. 5, starting at 6pm in Council Chambers, 401 Grove St.
Book Signing
Chef John Ash will hold a book signing and cocktail hour at Vintners Resort (4350 Barnes Rd., Santa Rosa) on Wednesday, Feb. 7. The $79 ticket includes his new book, The Hog Island Book of Fish & Seafood, two glasses of wine and passed canapes. Information at tinyurl.com/3hjjtun5.
On Tour from Wales
Dan’s People, described as a crossover between The Mamas & the Papas and The Clash, travel from Cardiff to play in Healdsburg on Thursday, Feb. 8, 7:30 pm. Tickets only $10, at Elephant in the Room, 177 Healdsburg Ave.
Steelhead Fest
The steelhead return to the hatchery for the 15th annual Lake Sonoma Steelhead Festival. It’s Saturday, Feb. 10, from 10am to 4pm at the Milt Brandt Visitor Center. Free to attend, with food, wine and beer available for purchase. More at www.steelheadfestival.org.
Saxophone Quartet
One of the longest-lived musical groups on the world stage is said to be the Italian Saxophone Quartet, founded in 1982. Enjoy their eclectic program on Friday, Feb. 9, at The 222, starting at 7pm with an open discussion, music at 7:30pm. Tickets $35-$73, at 222 Healdsburg Ave. www.the222.org.
Fat Tuesday
Mardi Gras is Tuesday, Feb. 13, with several places planning musical celebrations, including Elephant in the Room, Parish Cafe, Coyote Sonoma, Barrel Brothers (Windsor) and others.
Year of the Dragon
The City of Healdsburg will again recognize Lunar New Year on Saturday, Feb. 17, with a midday celebration in the Plaza. Martial arts demonstration, koto music, a dragon parade and more, 11am to 1:30pm.