THS Play
Beauty and the Beasts concludes its two-night run from The Healdsburg School (THS), with a cast of 94 students from the local K-8 school. Starts at 7pm at Rio Lindo Adventist Academy, 3200 Rio Lindo Ave. Tickets $20, children $15, at thehealdsburgschool.org/spring-musical.
Labor Days
The city’s fourth of five encuentros is Thursday, March 30, on “Labor Days: Migrant and Service Community Experiences in Healdsburg.” 6:30-8:30pm at Healdsburg Community Center’s Multi-purpose Room. More information at Healdsburg.gov/dei.
Singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright comes to the Little Saint on Friday, March 31. Performance starts at 8pm; details at littlesainthealdsburg.com.
Piano-Poet Duo
Poet and author Ellen Bass and Ukrainian-born pianist Inna Faliks combine their talents in a program at The 222, Friday, March 31, at 7:30pm. 222 Healdsburg Ave. the222.org.
Pancake Breakfast
Kiwanis 68th annual Pancake Breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 2, from 8:30-11:30am, at Villa Chanticleer. Adults $10, kids $5; mimosas available for the adults. Funds go to support kids’ activities in Healdsburg.
Sunday Night Comedy
Returning and new comedy performers on a road trip of laughs reach Healdsburg at 7pm on the first Sunday of each month, including April 2, at Furthermore Tasting Room, 328A Healdsburg Ave.
City Council
Healdsburg’s City Council will meet on Monday, April 3, for their regular twice-monthly meeting. The agenda will be posted a week before the meeting. Attend live at 401 Grove St., 6pm, or view on facebook/CityofHealdsburg.
Planning Commission
The City of Healdsburg Planning Commission meets on Tuesday, April 11, at 6pm. At Council Chambers, 401 Grove St., or view online at facebook/CityofHealdsburg.
Parks and Rec
The city’s parks and recreation committee will meet on Wednesday, April 12. The agenda will be posted a week before the meeting. Attend live at 401 Grove St., 6pm, or view on facebook/CityofHealdsburg.
Farmers’ Market
On April 15, the Healdsburg Certified Farmers’ Market returns to West Plaza Parking Lot at North and Vine, and every Saturday thereafter into December, from 8:30am to noon.
Wear White
Second annual Healdsburg En Blanc benefit for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma-Marin on Saturday, April 15, “an evening soiree” benefiting more than 600 area children and teens. One rule: Wear white. Villa Chanticleer, 6-10pm, tickets $150 at bgcsonoma-marin.org/healdsburg-en-blanc.
Grunge Saturday
Celebrate tax day on April 15 with a grunge immersion at Coyote Sonoma, where Corduroy: A Pearl Jam Experience pays tribute, and the Stone Temple Peruvians open. Ripped jeans mandatory. $20, 8-10pm, Saturday, April 15, 77 Mill St.
Healdsburg Chorus
Two performances of the Spring Concert from Healdsburg Chorus, a community group of singers, who ask, “How Can I Keep From Singing?” Find out Saturday, April 15 at 7pm, and Sunday, April 16 at 3pm at the Raven Theater. Tickets $20. More information at healdsburgchorus.com.
City Council
Healdsburg’s City Council will meet on Monday, April 17, for their regular twice-monthly meeting. The agenda will be posted a week before the meeting. Attend live at 401 Grove St., 6pm, or view on Facebook/CityofHealdsburg.
Great Redwood Trail
Public meeting of the Great Redwood Trail Agency board of directors, to be held Thursday, April 20, at Healdsburg City Council Chambers, 401 Grove St., 10:30am.
Earth Day
Climate Action Healdsburg and the City of Healdsburg combine forces to hold a Climate Fest on Saturday, April 22 in the Healdsburg Plaza. Interactive displays, events for grownups and kids, music and speakers from 1 to 4 pm. It’s not too late. More information at climateactionhealdsburg.org.