Healdsburg Railroad Depot circa 1915

The following snippets of history are drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, the Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society. Admission is always free at the museum, open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
100 years ago – August 11, 1921
‘Court of small claims’ to open
The Healdsburg justice court, as “court of small claims,” is hearing its first case today. Justice G. W. Phillips will sit as judge of “the poor man’s court” on the case filed Monday by J. A. Phillips against Earl Duncan, alleging that a bill of $l0 for painting a motorcycle is still unpaid.
50 years ago – August 12, 1971
Armory seen as extension of Fitch Mountain School
Remodeling of Healdsburg’s newest school, the Armory annex, is now underway. The school will be considered part of Fitch Mt. School, with a total enrollment of 172 pupils. Administrators have decided to solve the difficult problem of who goes to the Armory and who stays at Fitch Mt. School by treating both facilities as if they were one school. This means that all pupils will be assigned to a teacher just like normal, except that some teachers will take their classes to the Armory. Those children who are taught in the Armory will either walk or be bussed to Fitch Mt. School. After arriving at Fitch Mt. School they will be bussed to the Armory. No child will be allowed to walk to the Armory. After school is over the students will be bussed to Fitch Mt. and dismissed. The new school is developing as a unique “innovative school.” Instead of the usual classroom with four walls, the Armory floor is being cut up into seven triangular-shaped rooms, with about 50% more space than conventional classrooms. The rooms will be divided by specially-ordered, fire-resistant, heavy drapes. The drapes, coupled with the 1,000 square yards of carpet (yet to be laid) are expected to provide the necessary sound insulation needed to hold successful classes. Other changes under way include new lights and remodeling the shower room into a girls’ restroom. Most of the rooms will be furnished from existing furniture. Playground equipment, taken from Fitch Mt. School to make way for a new play area being built by the PTA, will be installed at the Armory and the existing chain link fence will be raised to keep stray golf balls off the heads of the children.
25 years ago – August 14, 1996
Open space is choice on recreation survey
If Healdsburg and Windsor community members got to pick the kinds of outdoor recreational facilities they’d like to see in the area, most would choose none. “Unimproved natural open space” beat out hiking trails, camping areas and athletic fields among the 29 participants in a workshop Sonoma Parks Regional Planning Project last month. In the Healdsburg/Windsor region, embellishments such as riparian and bike trails, restrooms in parks and nature study centers would be appreciated, but nature unadorned was more desirable. A train depot in downtown Healdsburg interested participants in the Healdsburg workshop, as did hiking trails along the river and a footbridge to the future Weston open space parcel.

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