The Healdsburg City Council will consider adopting a $45 per delivery fee for the residential recycled water delivery program at its next meeting on Monday, Sept. 20. The council will also review the proposed Montage Park and Badger Park master plans.

The meeting will start at 6 p.m. and will be held via Zoom.


Proclamations and presentations

The meeting will kick off with the reading of a proclamation in recognition of California Native American Day.

Healdsburg City Manager Jeff Kay will provide an update on COVID-19 and on the drought and water supply.


Recycled water delivery fee

During a council meeting earlier this month, the city council directed city staff to come up with a participation fee for the widely popular residential recycled water program, which the city is currently paying for out of pocket.

The program, which has been free for all residents, has cost the city an estimated $365,000. The program has around 1,059 participants and the cost averages out to roughly $45 per delivery.

For the program, city staff is recommending the implementation of a $45 per delivery fee starting the week of Oct. 4.

Fees would be incorporated into customer’s utility bills at the end of the program.

“Staff is proposing that all customers opt-in to the fee-for-service program to avoid billing and payment issues, and also recommend that customers be allowed to drop out of the program at any time, with 48-hour notice. Customers dropping out of the program starting Oct. 4 would not be able to re-enroll in the program,” according to the agenda item report.

Customers who are currently enrolled in the city’s low-rate CARE program would be exempt from delivery fees.

At the Sept. 7 city council meeting, the council also decided to close the program to new participants after Sept. 17, and decided to end the program on Nov. 5, or on Nov. 19 if the city does not receive any rain by early November.

Should the council approve the fee, city staff will contact program participants via an automated phone call following the council meeting.

“To confirm participation under the fee structure, each participant will need to sign and return a confirmation form. This form will be distributed by mail and posted on the city’s website. Once the city receives program confirmation from participants, those participants will be secured in the delivery schedule until either the program end date or a customer chooses to exit the program,” the agenda report states.


Park master planning

Last on the agenda is parking master planning. The council will review and provide feedback on the master plan for the new Montage Park and for the Badger Park updates master plan and river access improvements.

“In July 2019, the city launched a four-component planning process that would:

•Develop a master plan for the new 36-acre public park in the Montage Development

•Develop a redevelopment master plan for Badger Park

•Assess how to enhance access to the Russian River for the community and,

•Study ways to provide better connectivity throughout our community between parks, schools, and places of interest.”

The city worked with a landscaper designer, subconsultants and a team of about 50 locals who serve as the steering committee/team for the master planning process.

After various meetings, community engagement activities and design talks and workshops, the steering team and consultants came up with a proposed master plan for the two parks.

In short, the proposed plan for the 36-acre Montage Park includes lighted sports facilities, a play area, restrooms, a concessions area, trails and a small dog park.

For Badger Park, proposed projects and improvements include expanding the parking lot and community garden, adding sports courts, restrooms, river access and a kayak and boat launch and clearing invasive species.

To see the full master plan proposals, check out the agenda packet here.

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