This report is courtesy of the Humane Society of Sonoma County’s Healdsburg Center for Animals and may not reflect all animal control activities in the Healdsburg community. For more information call 431-3386.
Incoming Animals
Feb. 4: A female, gray tabby cat was found on Garden Court and Powell Avenue and brought in as a stray.
Animals Adopted
Feb. 3: Cleveland, a male orange tabby cat, was adopted.
Feb. 5: Space Cowboy, a male black kitten, was adopted.
Feb. 5: Vinny, a male Australian Shepherd mix, was adopted.
Feb 5: Anna, a female smoke tortoiseshell cat, was adopted.
Feb. 8: Vivien, a female black cat, was adopted.
Feb. 8: Captain Floof, a male Poodle/Maltese mix, was adopted
Returned to Owner
Nothing to report.