Incoming animals
May 8: A male, black/white cat was found on Mill Street and Healdsburg Avenue and brought in as a stray.
May 8: A male, tan/black Chihuahua was found on University Street and Sherman Street and brought in as a stray.
Adopted animals
May 3: Clover, a female brown tabby cat, was adopted.
May 4: Mickey, a male Chihuahua mix, was adopted.
May 4: Hudson, a male Chihuahua/terrier mix, was adopted.
May 5: Alexander, a male grey cat, was adopted.
May 8: Indy, a female black cat, was adopted.
May 8: Misty, a female white cat, was adopted.
Reclaimed animals
May 8: The male, tan/black Chihuahua was reclaimed by his owner.